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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Ahh school is finally out I think to myself. It is Friday and I am excited that it is the weekend. I grab my bag from the back of my seat and stuff my science books into it. I pop in my airpods and turn on music while I head out of school. I head to the locker room to grab my bag from my locker. Once I get it I head over to my Black Jeep that is parked outside. I grab my keys and start the car. Ithrow my bags into the back and head home. We dont have practice today because Coach decided not to give us practice so I have the rest of the day off. On my way home I pass Culture Bean Cafe I decide to stop and get Alyssa and I an Acai Bowl. i park my Jeep and get down. I walk up to the counter and order one Acai bowl with strawberries and blueberries and another with strawberries, blueberries, cocanut, honey, granola, and kiwi. I pay the cashier and grab the bowls. I go back out to my Jeep and drive home. 

"Alyssa! I am home! I have a surprise!" I say and I hear alyssa comming down. "I am here." She says. I show her her bowl and she smiles. "Thanks Teags! I love you." She says shoving a  spoonfull of acai bowl in her mouth. "Hey if you dont mind cani go hit some waves?"I ask Alyssa. She told me to go ahead that she would be out with Sophia, Aubrey, and Caitlin. I go upstairs to go change into my swimsuit. Alyssa calls to me telling me she is heading out. I go into my closet to pick out a swimsuit when my phone rings. Kyra's name is on it, I pick up.

"Hey Ky whats up?"

"Well I came for media day tommorow and wanted to know if I could crash at your place?"

"Yeah i think that should be fine just let me ask Alyssa."

"Okie. Thank you and let me know what she says."

"I will."



I text Alyssa and ask her if Kyra can stay at our place and she agreed. I texed Kyra letting her know it was okay and she said she would be over soon. So I decide not to go to the beach. I change into shorts and a sweatshirt and tie my hair into a bun. I hear the doorbell ring and I go downstairs. I reach the door and see Kyra. I engulf the shorter girl into a hug and squeeze her tightly. "I missed you so much!" I whisper into her ear. 'I missed you too." She says. I release her from the hug and let her go inside. I ask her if she is hungry and she said yes. She wanted to go to a restaurant called Waterfront Grill. She changes into a black spaghetti strap dress that cuts off right before her knees, and she pared it with white air force ones. She looks stunning. I decide to wear blackish-grey ripped jeans with a black sweatshirt. I put my hair into a bun. I slip on my black air maxes and slip in a watch. "Ready?" I ask. She nods her head yes and we get into my car. I text Alyssa that we went out for dinner so when she gets home she wont be worried that I am missing. Kyra connects her phone to my Bluetooth and turns on Slow Dance by AJ Mitchell. I smile. We sit in comfortable silence and I feel her glancing my way at certain times. We eventually arrive at the restaurant. I get off of the car and go over to the passenger side to open up her door. "Thank you Teagan." She says with a shy smile. "Anything for you." I say and wrap my arm around her waist. We walk inside and I walk up to the hostess. "Reservation under Sanchez." I say . "Your table is right this way." He says as he guides us to the back patio that faces the ocean. I called the restaurant while Kyra was getting dressed and made reservations for this table especially. "Here you go." he says and places our menu's down. We take our seats. "Whoa Teagan. You didn't have to do all of this." Kyra says kind of shocked. "I wanted to." I say with a gentle smile. We talk about life and catch up. I haven't seen her in a while. Our waiter comes and we order our food. "Hey do you want to take a picture?" Kyra asks. I say sure and we ask a couple leaving to take a picture of us. We get up and pose by the railing. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her tight. She wraps her arm around my waist. The woman takes a few pictures of us and I thank her politely. Kyra sends me a few of the pictures and we go back to talking. This so far has been the best night ever. I feel my feelings for Kyra growing. Her laugh is like music to my ears. Every time we touch I have butterflies in my stomach. Our food comes out shortly. We both eat our food surprisingly fast. We sit and talk for a little bit. The waiter comes and gives me the check. Kyra offers to pay but I tell her no. I had the waiter my card and he leaves. "I just want to thank you Teagan for tonight I really enjoyed it." Kyra says blushing a little bit. "Well I am glad you enjoyed it." I say smiling. The waiter comes back with my card and gives it back to me. I thank him for his service tonight and Kyra and I get up. I offer Kyra my hand and she takes it. I feel like I am on a sugar high because I am super happy with how tonight is turning out. We get back to my jeep and I open Kyra's door and she gets in. I go over to the drivers seat and turn the keys into the ignition. As we are pulling out Kyra turns on Dance Monkey by Tones and I and we both start jamming along and singing. We probably look like lunatics. We play more songs on the ride home and we sing to all of them. Kyra looks absolutely stunning when she is letting loose. 

We arrive back at my house within 30 minuets. We get off of the car and head inside. My phone dings and Alyssa texted me telling me she is staying at Caitlin's house. Kyra and I both go upstairs to my room. I suggest a movie night and she agrees. She takes a quick shower while I gathered snacks. Once I got upstairs Kyra was in grey booty shorts and a white crop top. Man did she look sexy. But I am going to keep those thoughts to myself. I quickly change into an old t-shirt and shorts. I get into my bed next to Kyra. We scroll through Netflix, Hulu, and Disney + we finally decide to watch The Lion King. Kyra cuddles into my side and we both nibble at the popcorn. I have my arm around her messing with her hair. She rest her head on my shoulder and scoots closer to me. I squeeze her ever so slightly. After 30 minuets I can tell Kyra fell asleep. I gently place a kiss on her forehead and whisper goodnight before I shut off the tv. I slowly fall asleep with the girl in my arms.             

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