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I laid in my bed, it was about 5:00 and I had already taken a nap and reflected on my day. I felt refreshed. I was watching a Barcelona game on tv. The game was going really well, Messi had scored twice. So it was a good game. I felt my stomach grumble and I realized I was hungry. I wanted to get up and go get food but I was really comfortable where I was. I grabbed my phone and texted Alyssa

me: Are you in your room?

lil dinosaur: No, I am out with Ani and Mal, sorry kiddo

me: it is all good :)

lil dinosaur: Maybe you should text your little friend ;)

me: you seriously need to shut up sometimes. TELL ANI AND MAL I SAID HIII

lil dinosaur: no, because you were being rude to me

I went though my contacts and found Taylors and clicked on it.

me: heyy

Tay ray: hola

me: what are you doing?

Tay ray: nothin, you

me: nothing. Do you want to get something to eat?

Tay ray: sure! Lemme pick dress nice, but casual! Okay? Okay. Pick you up at 7

me: okay... someone is excited.

I put my phone down and lied in bed realizing I had more than enough time because it was only 5. I watched the rest of the Barca game and they won Messi got a hattrick and it was a sexy one too! By the time the game ended it was 6:30 and I finally got up. I took out my braids from earlier so my hair could be wavy. I went over to my closet and found an outfit to wear, and I took a picture in it because why not.

This is what I decided to wear,(Imagine it was just a plain whit button up) Anyways that is besides the point

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This is what I decided to wear,(Imagine it was just a plain whit button up) Anyways that is besides the point. I felt really nice. It was around 7 and I knew Taylor should be arriving soon. I was on Twitter when I heard a knock at my door. I went to open the door and there was Taylor. Her blond hair was down and she wore a red dress that looked really good on her, but to tone down the classiness she wore air force's.

 Her blond hair was down and she wore a red dress that looked really good on her, but to tone down the classiness she wore air force's

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(Not at all what Taylor looks like just the outfit!!!)

"Well Hello Ma'am" I say grabbing Taylors hand spinning her around. "Now THAT is my bestfriend!" I say causing her to chuckle. "You don't look to bad yourself sanchez!" she says taking a step back and fanning herself making me laugh. "Are you ready for dinner?" she asks and I just smile. she checks her watch on her wrist and grabs my arm "come on we have to get going!' she says and with that our night officially has begun.

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