My story

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(Kyra's POV)

The final bell rung and I left school. I walked out of the building as fast as I could. Teagan had surf practice so I was going to take her car and she was going to catch a ride with one of her teammates. I got in the car and broke down crying. I was a mess. I kept seeing Nicole throughout the day, she found out where my locker is and kept leaving me notes. I kept getting flashbacks of everything that happened. I never thought I would have to see her again. I never wanted to see her again, and here I am bawling my eyes out in my girlfriends car. I opened my phone while I tremble in my seat. I go into my contacts and click on 'Mom'. The phone rings for a little bit when she finally picks up "Hi honey, how are you?" she asked

"Mo- Mom." I said barely being able to speak.

"Honey what is wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?" she asked worried

"Nicole. She is back."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nicole Miller. She is back. She came into one of my classes today as a new student. She tried to talk to me, calling me baby and babe. Being very flirtatious. She was following me around school. She even approached me in the restroom, she attempted to kiss me. She was leaving notes in my locker saying she isn't done with me. That she is going to get me back. Mom I am scared." I tell her sobbing.

She consoles me and tells me everything is going to be okay. She tells me that I need to be honest with Alyssa and Teagan and tell them what happened. They can help me while I am here. She just reassures me everything is going to be okay. I hang up with her and text Alyssa telling her I might be a little late for practice. She says okay and she will let coach know. I drive to the training grounds not in any mood to lace up today. I just wanted to lay down in my bed and cry. I arrive after about 15 minuets and contemplate on going in. I was not in any mood to train, but I knew I needed to. I looked at my eyes and they were bloodshot and red. You could easily tell I had been crying. I just grabbed my bag from the back and got out of the car. I walked inside the training facility and into the locker room. Nobody was in there when I got there so I quickly changed into my warm up gear. As I am lacing up my boots, I hear the door open. I look up and see that it is Alyssa. "Hey Ky- hey, what's wrong?" she asks seeing my eyes. 'I have something to tell you and Teagan. It is something that I am not comfortable talking about. But you guys need to know for my safety." I tell her and she just nods her head. "Okay. Look we do not have to go to training. We can go home and Teagan should be out in about 15 minuets. We can talk there." she says taking my hand in hers. A single tear falls from my eyes and I just nod. We get up and she jogs out the training pitch to tell our coach that we would be leaving due to personal issues. We leave and we get into the Jeep since Alyssa drove here with Caitlin. The drive over is silent. There is tension in the air. I am nervous because I really haven't spoke about the incident since I had to go to trail. We pull up and we get out of the car and head inside the house. I give Alyssa a hug and she holds me tightly. We hear the door click and see Teagan walking in. "Okay since everyone is here. Let's sit down." I say walking over to the living area. "What is this about babe?" Teagan asks as she sits down next to me on the couch and Alyssa sits across from us. "I have been I guess you could say hiding something from you guys. So here it goes, before I met either one of y'all I had a girlfriend named Nicole Webber. She was a really good girlfriend until one night we went to a party and she got super drunk. she kind of forced herself onto me and had really rough sex with me. She got super aggressive. She asked me to do something I was not comfortable with and I said no. She got mad and beat me up she ended up breaking my nose. I guess the impact she hit me with was super hard to where I passed out. My friend had found me and took me to the hospital. I didn't report the incident. I kept seeing her and she got more demanding with sex. It eventually came to the fact that she was raping me. She would leave bruises from hitting me. It became really bad to the point where I attempted to kill myself. My mom had found me passed out on the floor with an empty pill bottle next to me. She took me to the hospital and they were able to help me and revive me. They had asked me many questions due to why "Why did I attempt to kill myself' and that is when I decided enough was enough. I told the doctors, my parents, and the police everything. Everything that happened the past 8 months. Every single detail. We filed reports, went to trial and Nicole went to jail. I never contacted her. I went on with my life after I got out of rehab. After about 3 months out of rehab that is when I met both of you guys. Now here we are almost a year and a half later. I thought I had gotten rid of Nicole that was until she showed up to school today. She tried to throw herself on me, wrote me notes and put them into my locker. She told me I would be hers once again and she would do anything to get me. I am scared. I called my mom already and she told me she is going to try to find out how she got out of jail early. But she is here, and I am scared. I don't want to experience that again. I am beyond terrified." I say and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I look at Teagan who has tears in her eyes and is trying not to cry. Alyssa just looks shocked but she is the first one to speak. "So she is new to your school?" she asks and I just shake my head yes. We talk about the situation even more and we call my mom. We set a plan to have Teagan switcher schedule to be with me every class. My parents are also thinking about getting a restraining order on Nicole. I am just scared. I don't know if I can mentally and Physically again.    

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