let's do this thing

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*Buzz Buzz Buzz*

I groan at the buzzing of my alarm. I hate mornings. I pick up my phone from the bed side table and turn off my alarm. It is currently 6:45 in the morning, I normally wouldn't wake up this early but I had to go to a promotional media day for the surf competition. I rub my eyes and let myself adjust. I throw the covers off of my body and get out of bed. I dint have to dress fancy for the day, I just had to look presentable. I go to the restroom to take a quick shower to get clean but to also help wake myself up. I head into the restroom and strip down, I turn the water on so it is warm but not too hot. I get into the shower and let the water run over me.

After about 15 minuets in the shower I get out, feeling refreshed. I wrap a towel around my body and around my hair. I dry myself and throw on an old t-shirt of mine. I turn on music and I start to braid my hair again, It will take way to long for it to air dry so I braided it. I finish braiding my hair in boxer braids and I throw on a little bit of make-up, nothing much because I really don't like it. I leave the restroom to find an outfit to wear. I picked a Yellow oversized Vans shirt and black board shorts, with yellow checkered Vans. I look at my phone and see that it is 8:00 and our car is coming at 8:30 so I head over to Alyssa's room.


"Welcome to the U.S Open Vans Surf Competition! I am here with Teagan Sanchez, Teagan is competing in the Women's Junior Competition. So Teagan are you excited?"

"I am super excited! This is my very first Vans U.S Surf Competition, so I am super stoked to hit the water and show everybody what I can bring!"

"What have you done to prepare yourself for such a big tournament?"

"Honestly I have been thinking about this as any other surf competition. I just make it out to be another one for the books, If I were to make it out to be this huge tournament I wouldn't enjoy myself. I find it that I preform better when I enjoy myself."

"That is good to hear. This is the first leg of the Women's Junior Tour do you plan on competing in the other competitions?"

"I always try my hardest but I am right now finishing out my last year of high school, plus playing professional soccer and getting ready to play soccer at UCLA. Also living in Australia kind of gives this whole thing a rift because I wont always be able to travel back and forth. But I do have one planned later on in the year and a lot coming in spring of 2020."

"Well that is amazing to hear. Speaking of soccer and UCLA how is everything going on that side of your life?"

"Yeah soccer is going amazing the league in Australia is growing tremendously and being able to play side by side with my sister is always nice. And then with UCLA I will be moving back to the states and playing soccer only 2 hours away from here so that will be nice."

"Well I hope you have an amazing competition and good luck in soccer!"

"And CUT!"

Well that went nice I think to myself. After the interview I took pictures and did one of those really cool like promo videos with lights and cool effects. I was shooting for basically another hours I met a few people. Around 3:30 I finally wrapped up and boy o boy was I starving, Alyssa and I decided to treat ourselves to burgers and smoothies on the beach. We spent the rest of the day together, enjoying family time. We headed back to the hotel room and packed everything up. Taylor met us at the hotel and we all drove back down to Huntington Beach. Let's do this thing!


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