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It had been a normal night at Yoongi's job. He had gone to work around 8pm, and was finally finished dancing, or rather performing, at 3am, which resulted in him being really fucking tired. He missed the warm comfort of his bed, and he wished for nothing more than to sink into the soft mattress at the moment. The weather did nothing to prevent him from missing his bed either, as it was not only extremely dark, but also cold as hell outside. The ruthless November wind tried creeping up under and through his big, black jacket that he constantly tucked around himself for both warmth and the feeling of security. Because that was a feeling he lacked when he walked home from work, all alone at 3am down a sketchy alley to get to his apartment - He lacked the feeling of security. He just tried his best to look as sketchy and creepy as possible, because Yoongi thought If I look sketchy enough myself, the sketchy ones won't be interested in me. But the small boy had trouble looking sketchy, even with his hood up under his big black jacket, black slippers and black skinny jeans. Sure Yoongi could look intimidating if he wanted, but not sketchy. The boy was too elegant and beautiful for that.

Yoongi continued down the dark alley with his blood red stilettos in his right hand and his duffle bag crossed over his shoulder. Yoongi was a stripper. And a good one as well. He worked every night at a strip club and bar called Red Velvet. A gay strip club and bar managed by five gorgeous women that Yoongi rarely saw. But the times he had met them, they had been extremely professional and sweet, and they were doing an amazing job at running the place. The club was very known in the gay community, and therefore Yoongi earned a lot of money. It wasn't enough to call him rich, no not at all, but he could afford a nice apartment, food on the table and new clothes every now and then. And that was all he could ask for.

But if you asked Jimin, he would say that they weren't strippers. No, Jimin said they were exotic dancers. And he was actually right about that. Yoongi was known as Suga and Jimin as Angel. Yoongi wore blood red as Suga, making him appear devilish and seductive, while Jimin was dressed white and beautifully like an Angel. They were both very good at their job and was well known amongst the men who came in to see them. 

Jimin and Yoongi had grown up together, both having a rather traumatising childhood. They had been best friends since forever, and when they decided to apply for the job as strippers (or exotic dancers) two years ago, they met a boy with a gorgeous boxy smile called Taehyung. Taehyung was, and still is a bartender at the strip club. Yoongi and Jimin's two-mansshow soon expanded to three. And sure it was a hard life being a stripper, you end up in some situations that you wish to never experience, but when you have your two best friends by your side, working at the same place as you, it isn't all that bad. They had gotten used to it. Plus, it kept the much needed food on the table.

Yoongi felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, so he pulled it out to look at who was calling him at 3am.


He quickly swiped right to answer the call, and when he heard Jimin's voice on the other end, he stopped dead in his tracks. He was crying.

"Hyung, c-can you please come over?" The boy on the other end asked in a broken voice that shattered Yoongi's heart in a million pieces.

"Jiminie, did something happen?" Yoongi asked, already turning around to start walking towards Jimin's apartment complex. He knew the way by heart. He had walked that route so many times now that it was carved into his memory.

"I'll ex-explain when you get here. Please-please just hurry" Jimin cried on the other end. Yoongi sped up his pace, walking so fast that he was almost running. He kept walking in the fastest pace he could muster, even though his feet ached from wearing very high heeled stilettos for 7 hours straight.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in 5" The platin blonde told the crying boy on the other end, and with that, the call ended.

He continued walking with concern blooming in his chest with every step he took. Every possible bad situation played in his mind in a loop and he could feel his anxiety slowly creep up on him. 

What the hell could've happened?

He sped up his pace a little more, if that was even possible, and he walked by a seemingly darker alley to his right. But he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard it.

Punches, pleading, a man screaming in pain and two other voices that Yoongi assumed belonged to the men throwing the punches. Should he help the man? Should he carry on walking? He should probably move on, Jimin needed him.

But Yoongi muttered a quiet 'fuck it' to himself, and started walking backwards, just to get a look at the situation. Maybe he had heard wrong? Maybe he had misunderstood somethi-

okay no.

A man was being beaten to death by two men in black suits, and Yoongi just stood there looking at the situation before his eyes with his mouth agape, feeling completely paralysed. 

The man who was getting beaten up soon stopped moving and pleading, and Yoongi knew it was time to go. He had to get out of there now if he wanted to stay out of trouble. What if they were some type of criminals, what if they beat him u-

But it was already too late. The two men straightened up and turned around to see a surprised, and scared boy staring right back at them. They were quick to react and started running towards him.

"Get him!" One of them called to the other, pointing to Yoongi, and that's when Yoongi's brain suddenly started working again.

shit shit shit shit

Yoongi turned on his heels and ran as fast as he could towards Jimin's apartment complex. 

He could hear the men's footsteps catch up to him, so he fastened his pace so much that he felt as if his feet would fall off from the soreness, but he kept running anyways. It could be a matter of life and death, and Yoongi was more than willing to sacrifice his feet if it meant he could stay alive.

He rounded a corner down an alley with a lot of dumpsters, an alley he hadn't been to before but he took the turn anyways. He knocked down a trashcan in hope of slowing the men down and it worked. It gave Yoongi enough time to take another turn, then another, and then another and then enter Jimin's apartment complex without having the two men hot in his heels. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could with his aching feet. Luckily Jimin only lived on level two, so it wasn't that many stairs, and not long after, Yoongi found himself pressed against the other side of Jimin's front door that the boy so stupidly had left unlocked. Yoongi then locked the door and held his breath to listen if the men had followed him up there. 

A very confused, and broken looking Jimin came out from his room. He opened his mouth as he was about to speak, but Yoongi motioned for him to shut up. That made the pink haired male look even more confused, but he did as he was told anyways. 

After a couple minutes of listening for any footsteps approaching, Yoongi declared that he was safe.

He then walked over to his best friend and held him by the shoulders and looked into his teary eyes.

"Jiminie, are you okay?" He asked in a voice laced with concern for his best friend. Jimin shook his head and pulled Yoongi into a bone crushing hug while crying the latter's shoulder wet. 

Yoongi rubbed calming circles on his back and hugged him back while whispering comforting things in the crying boys ear.

"What happened Jiminie?" He asked before the said male pulled away and sniffled. 

Hello! And thanks for tuning in on this story! I hope you enjoy ((:

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