19. "I love you"

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a shrill high pitched voice suddenly came from nowhere. Jisung and Y/N both turned around, only to see Uri standing there looking at Jisung.

"OPPA!" she shrieked again, making everyone's ears nearby deaf. Jisung cringed and looked mortified while Y/N was just afraid. Uri ran towards Jisung and enveloped him in a hug, which Jisung clearly didn't want. Y/N just sat there, still shocked and was jealous of Uri.

Uri finally let go of Jisung and turned to face Y/N. Her face then turned into a sneer of disgust as she looked up and down at her like she was some sort of food that she was inspecting

"Why are you hanging out with this slut-oppa?" she froze. Jisung wasn't there anymore. Y/N knew why. He had to go, otherwise, he would be in danger.

"Oppa? Where did he go?" Uri pondered and Y/N silently prayed for help. She didn't forget what Uri did to her last time and she didn't want to admit it, but she was scared of this psycho. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and decided to leave.

"Nice meeting you, Uri." Y/N quickly said and stood up from her seat but was plonked back down.

"Not so fast. I've got some questions for you." Uri smirked with her hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"why are you hanging out with my oppar? and why are you holding hands with him? why his he hanging out with a slut like you." she spat at poor Y/N who just wanted to escape. She badly wanted to fire back at Uri telling her that she was his girlfriend, but she knew that would jeopardise Jisung's image and how much trouble they would be in.

"So?" Uri said, clearly annoyed and mad.

"We just met suddenly-" Y/N lied but Uri wasn't buying it.

"A famous idol doesn't just hang out with a hoe like you," Uri screamed angrily. She slammed her hands down on the table, shaking it. 

"YOU WILL PAY FOR HANGING OUT WITH MY OPPA!" she yelled and Y/N couldn't handle it. She was both scared and annoyed. She quickly stood up and dogged Uri's arms and ran outside. Uri immediately followed her, and the chase was on. 

Y/N dogged between people and the crowd, with Uri hot on her tail screaming cuss words and screaming how she would kill Y/N for taking away "her oppa". 

She ran futher and futher down the main streets, trying to lose Uri, but it was almost impossible. She was getting tired and slower but so was Uri. Just as she came near the end of a street, the green light for the crossing flashed. She looked sideways. Both left and right paths were full of cars and motorbikes.  Y/N had to make the green light, it was the only way. 

She ran and ran and just as she reached the crossing, the red light flashed. But Y/N couldn't stop. She had no choice. She ran and prayed but her prayers weren't answered.


"Y/N where are you? Are you okay?" Jisung panicked as he called Y/N for the fifth time. After he had ran away from Uri, he immediately regretted it. He just ran away from Uri, leaving him safe but not Y/N. How could he have been so stupid? Once he realised what he had done, he stopped and ran back the opposite direction, back to the restaurant.

He banged the door open and ran to their table. They weren't there. He panicked even more. The phone beeped and went straight to voicemail again. Jisung yelled out in frustration, scaring the nearby people who had already had enough drama for the day. 

He fumbled the phone and pressed his hand on Y/N's contact name in a hurry. The phone beeped, and he impatiently waited. 

No luck. It was voicemail again.

Just as he was about to give up and try another solution, his phone rang. He looked at it, and to his disbelief and happiness, it was Y/N.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay? Where are you? Did Uri hurt you-" he almost screamed at the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" a man came from Jisung's phone. He was confused. How did this random man get Y/N's phone?

"I'm Y/N's fri-" he thought for a second before catching himself. "I'm her boyfriend."

"Well, your girlfriend's just been involved in a car crash and is now on her way to hospital. Do you want to visit her? The hospital she's going to-"

The rest of the man's voice was a blur. Jisung felt sick. He couldn't believe it. He was shocked. What the hell?  He couldn't think straight.

"I'm coming."

"I haven't told you which hospital yet." 

the book is nearly over my dudes :(  yes only 8 more chapters. well technically, 6 but you never heard that from me. :)

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