4. moon struck

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Em cannot help but notice kongpob again sitting with a forlorn expression on his face, it's there lunch time ,all of them are chatting with each other except him .. did he again fight with khaofang..

" Hey fought again with her or what?"

" Huh,.no..we kind of broke up.."

" When ? You went for a date just two days back right?"

" Yea..but she is not really my type..all those fighting, drama and so much possessiveness is not my cup of tea.."

"I am so sorry Kong. Now I know why you are looking so sad . Break up is never easy"

" Hey ..no way..we are both cool about it .she was anyways getting bored with me ..I am not sad about this break up at all..if anything I feel releived ..this six months with her was tiring , I shouldn't have accepted to date my classmate within a month of joining engineering..I should have listened to you..now you can gloat in ' I told you so'

" That's all fine, you are right I am gloating ..thank you Kong..then why the long face ..this whole week? You look most of the time lost , thinking something..or again new someone? Is that why you broke up with her on the first place?"

Em knows Kong ..quite well ..though this friend of his is not fickle minded ..he only behaves like this if he starts thinking about someone seriously again..before khaofang also he had seen him distracted , but this is quite extreme.

he is hardly himself and is not taking even notes in classes..Em has thought about confronting him soon..and he got time today ..they are almost alone in the canteen as all have finished lunch and left ..they don't have afternoon classes today...only one late practical around half an hour later..

" So who are you thinking about..spill the beans,"

" Well, it's about that weird boy that day.." Kong cannot really meet his best friend's eyes. He knows Em will never judge him but saying that he is thinking about another man , well its embarrassing..but he knows he has to face up to Em or he will not stop grovelling him.

" What!! You are thinking about that cute weirdo..this is the second time you are hankering for another man to me"

" The first one doesn't count , I was just eleven ..and I got fascinated by his painting."

" Whatever rocks your world you can think but that eleven year old Kong was totally smitten by that unknown boy on top of the hill..now you like this cute weirdo? ..so what are you mopping for let's find out about this Arthit of yours"

" This Arthit is not mine" though Kong has to agree, it sounds nice rolling off his tongue ..he is confused..he knows he likes guys too..he has even dated one boy in highschool..but Arthit is a different entity ,..that fall that day ,he is still having bum pain and that guy has not even apologized instead laughed and devoured him with eyes..

..and after blatantly flirting with him he has all but disappeared..Kong has not seen him even once in the cafeteria or anywhere near the campus. He has even tried to search other faculties as discreetly as possible..there is something about him which has fascinated him other than the very cute face..

" Em, I just want to know what type of game is he playing?" And that is definitely,  one part of the truth..

Em nods in understanding, Kong is a very confident and calculative person. He sees the world almost like through his camera's viewfinder..like his photographs..all lights, all angles, all lights, all shadows perfectly defined and precalculated. He knows what he wants , how he wants and here he is clueless about that man and his queer antics .

Em decides, he has to help his best friend.. that man is really someone enigmatic..Em also finds him interesting..well he will hold that thought..Kong may not like that..Em smirks. Let's start with investigation.
.p knot..first clue..

" Come let's talk to p knot, it seemed like he knows him well.."

" P knot and his group has gone for internship interviews at different companies from last week , none of them are at college..you think you are the only Sherlock Holmes here !! "

" Ohh..then how to go about it"

" You think I am sulking for no reason here?"

" You are already so whipped "

" Shut up.."

" I know the exact thing to cheer you up..there is an amateur photography and painting exhibition going on..wanna go tonight"

Kong's face immediately lits up ..he loves painting and photographs..and he would have followed his dreams about doing photography course if his father has not pushed him to do engineering..a year back..

" That's a great idea.. I'm all in"

Kong pov

I am waiting for Em to arrive at my dorm..I wish I had some clue about Arthit and his whereabouts..that guy and his face is pestering me for a week. That flushed face, the teary doe eyes..I just can't forget that face, and those flirty words..I still blush thinking about them. .' handu, drool worthy, ravishing' he wants to be sun to my moon huh!!
Wish I can see him before I go away for two years for my business administration major which now my father wants me to do since he is not liking my engineering grades anymore.. I have to agree that sounds more interesting than engineering any day..he even said I can pursue some photography short course there .. I know it's all mom's doing..she took one year but she did it for me..she convinced dad for me..

Em's arrival breaks me from my musings . I have to break the news to him soon.. we both arrive at the painting /photography hall for the exhibition. The theme of the exhibition is quite unique and interesting..there are two of each set ..one photograph, one painting depicting the same scenario..one from photographers perspective and one from painters perspective..

We roam about discussing each set..but as we reach the last two sets ..the painting is so beautiful that we both just can only stare .. unable to even comment..

I want to buy the painting ,but sadly I see it's already sold ..both the paintings belong to the same painter.. photographs beside the painting are nothing compared to the depth he has given to each of the drawings..

" May I know , who painted these" it is only signed A.R underneath each..

"We don't reveal the artist detail, unless you are buying the paintings., That's the privacy policy."

I leave the hall feeling down,wish I could have atleast gotten one painting of the painter or his name or some detail regarding him .. it feels like loosing Arthit's whereabouts or the boy on the hill once again.. why is he not leaving my thoughts ..I wish p knot comes back before the month ends..I have only two weeks in my hands ..

this moon is so struck with that enigmatic sun .. but will fate make us meet again.? .since I am now leaving why am I even searching for him? ... will he just be a figment of my memory like that boy on the hill so many years back.. I don't remember his face .. he didn't let me take his picture before I got caught..but I remember his painting..and I definitely remember one thing..

' my kind of red'


A/n :: don't worry about separation my dear Readers..they are destined to be together.💕.

And there are things to happen before separation..😝😝😝😜 and after again meeting..😍😍😜

Love you all Amigos..

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