17. Pandoras box

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Trigger alert ..not an easy chapter to read

Kong is not used to such a silent Arthit without mirth, without snarky comments or they not doing anything erotic though being alone with each other . This night is bringing up many firsts for their relationship and he is not liking such firsts at all.

" pls continue Arthit, wasn't your father a famous doctor ? What are you implying" he coaxes this time , running his fingers soothingly over his arms ..

Arthit eyes take a faraway look , talking everything in a flat monotone , like he is recounting not his own dark story but some unknown stranger's .. detached with no emotion blurring his voice ..

" that's what my mom told to me and it was all big fat lies . The man I knew as my father just gave me his surname , my real father has been the man I knew as my mom's best friend's husband, so called' uncle jack'. Now, when aunt Lisa is out of picture, he wants to get back in my life from the shadow of anonymity, as my mentor and my father against my mom's wishes.

He has been without her knowledge, the one always buying my best of paintings from the gallery, as anonymous Mr S. Mom never wanted me to learn the truth so he chose to make me understand and raise question at my mom in a silly immature way ."

" How did he make you understand" kong is shocked but he knows Arthit needs to open his heart to him.. he can't take this Arthit ..his own wicked sun is somewhere missing ..

"The two occasions he has taken my mom and me alone , were one when I was five years old and two when seven years old. Both the outing, which My younger self immensely enjoyed , were once to a monastery at a countryside and another to the grand palace at sunset .. Both were on my respective birthdays. Aunt Lisa was not feeling well and both the times couldn't accompany us , I remember those two times clearly . So it was him , me and my mom and it got engraved in my heart because I felt we were a family, sadly we truely were but just a dysfunctional one."

Kong squeezes his hand as he hears the bitter tale of a young boy betrayed by the one he cares and loves the most..

" you know kong, I always thought mom sent me away due to her hectic schedule, now I know it was her way to keep me away from him, in some stupid sense of guilt , leverage and revenge. I was a pawn to them in their battle of wills.

He wanted to continue the affair with my mom and take me as his heir. She wanted no such commitment and sent me away, when I was seven as she decided enough was enough, he wanted to be my painting mentor , be more constant in my life and her . He wanted me to go to painting school in Paris under his wings and take me away from her. She was afraid and She wanted things entirely to stop between them. She told me, she wanted to stop after the first year itself but she was pregnant with me already . She never wanted to give in to the forbidden temptation again, kudos to her for that."

Arthit spats bitterly, but continues this time , the dam has broken , the words flow out ..

"So What does she do ? Simple, She sends me off to her brother's house . Even my uncle and aunt knew everything and I suspect may be Bright too. He discouraged me to talk to uncle Jake at any family party whenever he is invited , telling me always he found the man creepy. Bright used to drag me away whenever he wanted to speak to me . So what does he do to counteract that ? Wait until I join high school and college to be out of her direct eyes and start helping me financially by being the secret admirer , to achieve my dream. Kudos to him too .

You know kong who was the most pitiful among us all . Aunt Lisa!! That women continued to visit me at my uncles place and my mom's whenever she felt better. Imagine seeing the evidence and loving that piece of evidence unconditionally like your own son, the evidence of betrayal of your husband and your best friend. Kudos to her too!!"

This time after her death , he chose his alias Mr S to do the honour of letting me know who is he exactly in my life other than the loving uncle Jake and aunt Lisa's hubby!! He asked for any of those two particular place paintings to be drawn for Mrs Gomoi's art gallery. That was enough clue for me to hunch that my benefactor in disguise is uncle Jake himself and this 'uncle Jake' has more to the story than I have been lead on. why will he be helping me anonymously behind my mom's back?
I always had a hunch or you can say gut feeling about something going on , as I am growing up by the way he looked at both me and mom with so much longing in his eyes.

When I confronted mom she opened the Pandora's box of truth or May I say the elaborate lies around me .
My life has become a full movie kongpob in two days . All the truth I have known is a lie and all the lie is truth. You know I always strived to be the best student because of the man I knew as my father . My mom always told he was a topper of his class , he was a great doctor, turns out he was my mom's saviour from the societal stigma and nothing else .. the man was gay . It was a win win situation for them to pretend as a couple. Sadly, he died in an accident when I was two, otherwise one more added character would be all but lying to me on my face through the years ."

Kong can only take him into a strong hug. He can feel his shirt getting wet , he doesn't stop him. What's the point ? What will you do when all your life's truth becomes all lies in two days . A strong person will cry his heart out, pick up all the broken pieces in time and then get up to face another day . And kong sees Arthit doing exactly that. He gets up to go freshen up after sometime. Kong meantime makes the noddles and the tea . He has the food and drink in complete silence again, and starts studying at his desk .

Kong watches him burn the midnight oil and stays awake until he comes back to bed . His warm hug again awaits him as Arthit snuggles deep into his arm and closes his eyes, holding him close .

" promise me kong to never to lie to me ever again however bitter the truth is ..let me live my life in truth from now on"

" promise, my type of red .." Arthit eyes widenes as he realises kong has finally figured it all out. He gets up again and opens the closet and holds a painting towards him . A painting of countryside they visited together , the red colour of the fall leaves exactly how kongpob likes them.. vibrant and shining, the rest black and white ascentuating the one that one colour he loves the most and has evaded him all throughout his life due to strange twist of fate .." my kind of red too" he intones.

" my kind of red too" he intones

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" .. I have thought to gift this on your birthday next week but you can take it tonight .. this is my warmest memory of the day together, we spent at the countryside.. let's achieve our dreams kongpob.. they are not tainted with lies but has taken birth within the depth of the truth of our heart, untainted and shining.. no one can ever change that ever for both of us"

Kong kisses Arthit slowly and sweetly with all the promise of new tomorrow as the painting glistens in the night lamp beside them with all it's beautiful glory and spectre of the world created by the budding painter Arthit Rojanapat.


A/n ;: Arthit , can he ever forgive his parents?

One hurdle of emotional bridge getting crossed by kong.. it's not always we have to be there for our partners through good days but the worse ones too..that's true togetherness, our boys are getting closer through it all..

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