14.friends and benefits

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Em is sitting all excited at the cafe . His best friend has come back six months early to do a photography project for the final term submission..and will even do the required internship of his business administration course now at Em's father's company which has a branch in States too.. all has worked out well for Kong, and Em cannot be more happy.

He has seen the struggle that Kong went through after leaning about Arthit's accident.. he remembers Kong's exact words

" Em , I thought we have more years with each other but we have forgotten that time is fleeting and we are just pawn pieces in the huge chess board of life..when we get sacrificed by fates hand we don't even know, and here like fools we plan our elaborate future.. I need to come back..pls ask your father to help me come back and I will ask my mom.. atleast for the last 6 months of internship I want to be back home .. I can't be away from him anymore knowing I may have lost him forever"

Kong , much to Arthit's chargin had visited him within two days after the phone call with his little confession..he has visited the hospital with Em and had understood how much had Arthit downplayed the accident on call. He had literally come back from the verge of death.. his right side skull had smashed due to impact and he was even declared medically dead in the operation theater, before successful resuscitation attempt brought him back..

Kong had even met Arthit's mother who was the attending surgeon and had not hidden any details from him.. knowing full well that the young man before her was hurting and needed full truth..Kong would have liked to meet her under different circumstances but he was glad he met her .. she is such a strong woman..now he knows where Arthit gets his stubbornness and zeal from..and his love and passion for medicine..

Em had been his constant support through the whole ordeal.. and had promised when Kong went back after two days that from now on he will keep a constant vigilence on Arthit through p Todd and p Tootah..giving him all the news of the cute senior up-to-date. Em still harbours a strong crush on Arthit that Kong need not to know but he is not back stabbing best friend..and it's very clear to Em, Arthit is completely Kong's like Kong is Arthit's.. they have survived and stayed strong through thick and thin , surprising both of their set of close friends.. sadly, because of the distant relationship between the two, they have never been able to party with both groups..now may be the things will change.

Kong comes with a big smile on his face...

" Looks like the surprise worked out well for you..did Arthit go to college today or he is still lying in bed now because of the beast Kong?" Em has to ask, the after sex glow is very much visible on his best friend and his refusal to meet him yesterday night..confirmed the fact that he is feasting on his poor cute boyfriend..

" No, he can't miss classes now.. since he lost over a month last semester due to injury."

Kong now feels bad for his boyfriend, he had punished him quite harshly.. but how will you react when you come back to surprise your boyfriend only to discover him getting kissed by another guy..and that idiot boyfriend of his didn't even know that their photos were getting clicked as they sat in the library and also on the backstairs by their so called fans and friends..hashtag mewthit.. bullshit..Kong was boiling by the time he had hurried and reached the scene of the statue Arthit getting kissed by Mew. It had taken all his self restraint to not to punch the guy himself.

He has all but dragged Arthit and unceremoniously dumped and stripped him naked on the hotel bed. Arthit had once said to him about trying bdsm , Kong was determined to show his fumbling lover explaining the situation between him and Mew what bdsm really means . Every word Arthit spoke fueled his desire . Seeing him blush and explaining about the penis drawings and flirting through the years , had brought alive the beast in kongpob.
His oblivious stupid boyfriend didn't even understand the blatant clues of Mew crushing over him through the years and had played right into his hands.

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