15. admirer of the painter

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Phana awaits for Arthit after college . Today Arthit has to meet the gallery owner, he wanted Todd to drop him but he has prior plans with Earth. Since Wayo is again fighting with Phana he is free for the special escort service as Arthit likes to call it. . Phana doesn't mind.. being with Arthit is wild and fun..and Wayo gets jealous that's an added benefit. Phana has definitely learned some evil ways from Arthit through the years..

" Where is Kong on beginning of weekend like this? And why hell is today's party cancelled? Are you also fighting like me?"

"Stop hankering for free food and drink p pha, and No we are not fighting that martyr went home."

" Martyr? What martyr.. is he joining army."

" P pha Wayo is rubbing wrong on you , you are becoming equally dim about love terms."

" Martyr is a love term in what way?"

" P pha later .I will explain in detail" he turns his face towards window, lost in deep thought.

Phana understands Arthit will not talk about it now but will tell him surely later, something is wrong .. his face says it all . He generally doesn't hide anything from him and bright. He may hide it from others but not from both of them.

He fights with Bright regularly and hardly meets him due to their forever ongoing sibling rivalry but he is as close to him as Phana. If something serious needs to be discussed , it's always with both of them and then obviously there is Arthit's mom.. Phana has to agree with Bright, it's really fun to see Arthit fearing someone, stuttering and trying to be all goody goody self..

They arrive at the gallery where Arthit's painting is generally displayed.. he needed to speak to the owner who was requested by a certain admirer for a painting of a particular architecture at a specific countryside .

Arthit has never taken request he just draws what his heart desires. He is surprised to say the least when the gallery owner had given a call two days before stating the request and the sky high price he is going to receive. Arthit wants to learn more about this admirer of his if possible . That's what he had atleast told phana.

Through the five years, he is giving his paintings to the gallery for sale an anonymous buyer always buys the best among the paintings displayed at a hefty price. But this time Mr S wanted a drawing of a particular monastery. Arthit is intrigued and scared both. Nobody knows about that place's significance other than two persons in his life. He is meaning to decline the offer but Mr anonymous seems to have some other plan.

The gallery owner is a short and sweet lady encouraging young artists work even budding photographers. Her gallery is equally popular among both novice and established artists and photographers.

" hi dear what brings the great A.R to the studio himself . Don't you have your exams in two days?"

" Mrs gomoi, I don't want to draw that painting as I told you on phone , it doesn't matter to me how much your Mr S is planning to pay for it , I am not going to paint that on request, it's too far to travel ." Arthit decides that's the best excuse.

" it's ok , Mr S informed if you don't want he will never force you but can you draw the city grand palace sunset view if not the countryside monastery ?"

" what did he say!!! Tell him to hell with that shit of his ..That's my answer" and he storms off from the place much to the dazed shock and surprise of both phana and Mrs gomoi..

Phana recovers quickly , utters a quick sorry to mrs gomoi , who looks equally shocked but smiles at him reassuringly, phana now runs behind him.. what happened to Arthit !! .. he is not a patient person but he also never looses his cool with strangers especially mrs gomoi who has helped him immensely in getting established as Thailand's one of the best budding artists by letting him showcase his novice work at her prestigious gallery among all the famous painters and photographers.

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