20.sun's birthday boy

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Arthit roams from one shop to another, scratching his head , looking hither thither totally confused, Phana and Bright having the time of their life behind him.. They are just following him and they are totally uninvited.

What really happened to bring Arthit in his current predicament, followed by laughing buffoons, is simple. Arthit is in search of Kong's birthday gift at Central Siam. Phana, bright spotted him while they're out shopping for some of their own things and saw him accidentally and very unluckily for Arthit. And they are tailing him since then.

"Amazing, to see a confused Arthit Rojanapat, it is my dream come true..the cocky ass so flustered ..wow..I think I am in laugh heaven"

" Should I inform Wayo phi pha that you still think about my ass" Arthit answers increasing his pace , he wants to keep as much distance possible from these two idiots. He hasn't seen them after the horrid story day that made his calm life a movie. So he is absolutely sure they are not going to leave him alone even if he curses or pushes them,may be punching can work and he is this close to do that, exactly.

Because,true to their very friendly nature they are complicating an already complicated task of finding the perfect birthday gift for his beloved. Arthit mentally curses himself. Why did he in his emotionally drained state gave that painting away before his birthday time to Kong. Now, he has no gift to give to him in front of everybody for the big birthday bash Kong's parents are throwing for him.He spots another gift store and runs towards it , but the two idiots continues to tags behind and increases their pace too.

" So what our great artist Arthit has in mind for Kong?" Bright stands almost breathing down his neck, Arthit jumps .

" Shit!! What idiots you both are..don't you know Personal space..cock blocks"

" Language Arthit" bright moves his head from side to side like reprimanding a spoiled child.. anyways Arthit really suits the description well.

Arthit looks at the cards and teddy bears cups and wallets and all the regular things but nothing catches his fancy. But he spots a photoframe which is a little unique. He things he will settle for that when Phana intervenes

" Photo frame seriously, what a cliche gift..he is a photographer so photoframe , he is business administration major too why don't you gift him files and folders then" Phana has an expert opinion now to irk him!!

" Shia.. did I ask your opinion , I may just gift him that too. It's the feelings that count how you both will know that since you have kidneys as brains or penis may be."

" Yea yea keep telling yourself that. I am sure Em and even Us have got better gift than that!!" Bright interjects winking at Phana.

" fuck off both of you..have you missed me so much that you just can't leave me alone even though both of you are very much following me without my permission?"

Arthit feels really low now, did they really get better gifts than him. Looking at their cocky self he assumes they might have. But what can he do? Most of them are working , Phana also gets paid well as a post graduate. He on the other hand has limited budget. He doesn't feel like touching the fund money as its mostly contributed by Mr S.

Phana and bright lookes at the creatfallen face of Arthit but in a true worse best friend fashion bursts out laughing at his misery. Arthit just shows them the middle finger and goes forward to buy the photoframe, a sudden idea sending sparks through his brain stem. It will be laborious but oh so worth it. Phana and Bright observes as Arthit face again adorns a sly smile. They totally can read him, understanding immediately, Kong is in for a Arthit Rojanapat style of surprise.

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