Part 1

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Coldness. Emptiness. Probably the best ways to describe living in this prisoner cell. I've been stuck here in this cell for almost two months, and it's starting to drive me crazy. I wonder what people outside think, the fact that me, Princess Elaine, got into lockup. They are used to see me in a cute dress with my hair nicely made, now I'm in a tank top and ripped jeans with a messy hair. A criminal is the least thing people think I am. And I agree, I'm not a criminal. 

People see me as the ideal girl. They describe me as smart, kind, positive, beautiful, intelligent, social, likeable. And if I'm being honest, most of it is true. I've always had the highest grades, always nice and kind to everyone (well at least to everyone who deserves it) and I'm trying to see things as positive as possible. 

But that's not all I am. My life is not always that simple and fairytalely. Even I have struggles. I'm extremely vounerable, I literally wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm always overthinking everything which makes me ponder too much for my own good. I've also got trust issues, I find it hard to trust people since I've been used many times just because it's "cool to be friends with the Princess". That's usually the problem, people want to know the Princess, but are less interested in getting to know Elaine. 

Yeah sorry, I almost forgot to mention the fact that I'm a royal. Some people think that I'm called Princess simply because I'm Marcus Kanes daughter, but he has nothing to do with it. I'm a Swedish royal by blood. My great-grandmother, who by then was the Crown Princess of Sweden, got a place on The Ark and was saved from the nuclear apocalypse. Now, 97 years later, me and my mother are the only Swedish royals left. 

One thing that may be good to know about me is that I'm very strong to my values. I have my opinions and I have no problem expressing them. I've always struggled with how the Ark is being ruled and how this society is structured. It's being controlled in many ways like a dictatorship, and I see right through it. The lack of empathy by the council is sickening. 

I've many times talked to my father about how I disagree with his and the rest of the councils decisions. And although he sometimes agrees with me, his love to his position at the council is bigger. He cares more about his power than his people. He cares more about his power than me. Two months ago I eavesdropped when my father together with Abby and Jaha told teacher Pike that they are sending down a 100 prisoned kids to the ground. When my dad found out that I knew about it, he made sure I was put in lockup. He didn't want to risk the fact that I would tell the people about their secret. Well honestly ,if I would've gotten the chance to tell the people of the Ark about the councils plans, I would've told them. Because this is so wrong, sending down kids to die, but sugarcoating it by saying that it might give us all a chance to survive on earth. 

"Prisoner 223, stand and face the back wall." A guard suddenly odered as he rushed into my cell. I was shocked, but slowly did as I was told.

"What is this? What are you doing?" I asked confused and worried. The guard just looked at me but didn't say a word. A second later, I was handcuffed and more confused than ever. 

"Hey!! I'm 18 next month you can't float me!" The guard still didn't say a word and now tried to lead me outside the cell. Then it hit me, he wasn't gonna float me, I was gonna be one of the 100 prisoners sent down to earth. How could my father let this happen?

"Let me talk to my father, or my mother!" 

It was like the guard wasn't even listening. Panic hit me like never before and I started to fight against the guard to be released from his grip. I started crying, screaming after my dad hoping that he would hear, that he would care. I didn't get that far with my fighting when I suddely felt a pain rushing through my body. The guard hit me with his lash, and everything went black.


"Elaine, hey, wake up." I heard a familiar voice say, still too unconcious to figure out anything else.

"We're on the ground, El."


A/N: So this is my first fanfic about The 100, and my first one on wattpad! I hope you're as excited about this story as I am and please if you like it, leave a vote. I would very much appreciate feedback aswell :)

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