Chapter 16

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Franki's Point Of View

These past few days after the incident Kiara and I got back in our old relationship, like what we used to be back then, best friends.

But this time I don't know if I just have forgot what she really is like since the last time we hang out like this or talk is when before the cheating incident which happened last 3 months.

She's being so clingy lately I mean, it is not that bad but you know, it's kinda weird for me cause I know to myself that she is never like this to someone.

And of course, if me and Kiara fix our relationship again, I think I am messing another relationship again.

Which is me and.... Dianuh.

It is not that we are fighting pr ignoring eaxh other, but it is like. Since Kiara's incident with Argel, Dianuhs' been distant to me.

I asked her if she is jealous and she said no, after that we came home without talking to each other in the car when we usually sang out our hearts.

I am not used to this, and I don't think I will ever used to this.

Right now I am in the house of Dianuh seating in the living room with her, but or course there is a space between us. I mean I am seating in the other side of the couch and so she is too.

Denise is in the kitchen doing something that I really don't care about because it is non of my business and I don't want to looked like a kid that can't understand what is right or wrong.

"Hey Dianuh, can you please maybe uhmmmm?...." I try to ask her trying also to have my words come out fine.

"Maybe what uhm?" She asked back.

"Well uh, maybe you can give me a ride in Kiaras' apartment? She invites me over because she asked me for a sleep over and You, but she said only if you wanna come because you might be busy on your own things. I can't use my car because I haven't renewed my license."
I said obviously rambling in to my words and looking in my hands it is also shaking

"Chill out Franki I understand. And please tell Kiara that thank you for inviting me. But I can't go because I have a things that I need to do and need to be done, but still I will give you a ride though." She said looking at me and finally standing up to get her car key.

I got to my room and pack up my things, of course a onesies, and I think that's all because I have my things in Kiaras' apartment back then when we used to have a sleep over with the other three girls which is Julia, Maza and Jodie.

But of course right now they are not talking to me anymore since what happened on Kiaras' party, it still remain mysterious no one in the party can't expain what it really is.

"Franki are you ready?" I heard Dianuh shout from downstair, and If you are wondering if we are still sleeping in the same room and bed, yes. We still do.
And I think I won't let that change.

"Yeaaaaahhhh I'm comingggg!" I shout back, I came running downstairs only to see her outside of her car obviously waiting for me.

"Hey" I said as I approach her.
"Hey, let's go." She said opening the door for me, and tadaaaa! Here it goes again, the weird feeling in my tummy. Something electricity or butterfly that is in inside of me.

"Thank you." I said once we both get inside the car.

"You're welcome, and that is the only things that you will bring in your sleep over party?" She asked looking at me weirdly, I mean who won't? Sleep over then I only have a sleeping clothes

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