Chapter 23

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Franki's Point Of View
she's not here beside me.

Franki's Point Of View.
I woke up in the middle of the night, and found that Diana is no longer sleeping in the bed with me.

"Diana?" I asked. And that's when I felt someone hand covering my mouth. I keep shouting but the hand is too strong for allowing my scream be heard by someone.

And that's when I heard glass shattering outside of the secret room that cause me to stop myself escaping from someone arms, God knows who.

"Shh Franki, It's me Diana. Please be quiet, don't make any noise and stay here." Diana said whispering in my ear finally calming down a little bit knowing that the hand is from someone that I know and comfortable with.

But still can't stop my heart that is still pounding too fast that I feel any moment I may pass out. Knowing that there's someone in the house, that we don't know what are the motives. Or worst.. I am the only one who don't know what are the motives of those people putside of this room right now.

"Who's outside Diana? What are they looking for?" I said, while holding this sort of metal besides me and only for me to realized that it is a hanger.

"I don't know, but stay here and I'll check it out. Try to call Denise silently, she must be awake right now." She said, while tiptoeing towards the door. I don't know but her eyes changed into color blue. But immediately came back to color brown. Did it really happened or is it just too early for me to experience this kind of shit and just too tired of it?

"But, It's dangerous. You should not go out there, we don't even know who's outside of the door right now." I said, but completely ignored by the woman who's already halfway of going outside.

I know that I can't stop her anymore that's why I decide to do what she told me to do. Which is call Denise.

Trying to find her name in my phone and give her a ring.

Phone Call:

"Franki?! How are you and Diana there? Please don't come out of the room. Leave this on us, go back to sleep." The woman said with a voice already telling me that it is a command and I should obey it.

"What about you guys? What if those are dangerous?! Diana is already outside."

"No, don't worry about us. We are all good, we just need you to stay inside the room, and- "

That's when the phone call end when I heard a loud bang on the other side of the line. I was too scare, and shock that I didn't even notice I dropped my phone. The screen is shattered and the phone can't open anymore since It doesn't have a phone case.

I run towards the door but it is locked, I tried banging it but sadly it doesn't have any used. Rememberimg what Diana told me that the room is completely soundproof.

I tried everything to open the door, but it's too strong for me to break it. The banging the shattered glasses can still be heard inside the room. The loud voices, signaling that there's around ten people outside of this room right now. Fighting for something that I don't know.

I placed my ear in the door, try to hear what are they talking about.

"No, she can't be with you. We tried to protect her all these years, yet you brought nothing to her but dangers. You can never get her from us. Her parents trusted us with their daughter , not to you who don't do anything but put her life in the edge." Denise said.

Who the fuck are they talking about? Is it me? Nahh fuck that shit, the people in the school ain't know that I even exist. (Atleast I think)

"No, her mother gave birth in our land. There's no way their daughter will end up in your land, and will use her against us. What ours is ours." The woman said with anger evident with her voice.

"We wil never use the Lady against your clan, but she is ours. Her mother and father told us that we are the one that will be taking care off the Lady. Like it or not, she will be here. And nothing else." Denise said.

The next minutes are silenced, until I heard those words the brings me goosebumps.

"Then the decision is already made then. You against us. You can never have her while we're still alive." The woman said.

And that's when I started banging the door, I know that this room is soundproof. But Atleast I tried.

I decided to listen more but I heard nothing but silence. When I am about to stnad up, I heard a fast movement outside of the room and more shattered glasses.

Shouthing, growling, cursing and some of them screaming because of the pain.

I feel so helpless, I feel so useless. I feel dumb, and weak. My friends out there risking their lives, and here I am in the secret room. Seating like a loser.

I wanna throw up, and cry in her arms. I feel so helpless. I feel dumb, that I am always the last one to know what is happening around me.

That I am involved at some things yet O don't know what it is. I don't know why. I tried to see it for myself yet it always ended up with me seeing nothing.

I am involved yet they hide it from me. I feel betrayed, scare and nervous. Should I try and keep trying to find what is it about?

Or will I regret it or just wish that I never found out? I'm too confused that even making a decision for myself is so hard.
All I want to do is to cry.

Why they won't allowed me going outside and help them? Who are they talking about?

I feel dizzy and my eyes are blacking out from seconds. The room is spinning around me. I think I might puke, but there is nothing coming out.

My head is pounding, I am sweating. I feel so strong yet weak at the same time. I lost my balanced and fell in the floor. My head facing the big mirror. I'm so dizzy.

Before passing out, I saw myself in the mirror with too much hair and a purple eyes. I don't know what is it. If it's even real or just my hallucinations because of all the things that happened to me and happening right now.

I couldn't see clearly anymore, I feel my eyes getting heavy each minutes had passed. And now, finally my eyes getting closed. And I am now surrounded by darkness.


Hello po, It's author hayes. Sorry for the very late update, trying to fix myself. Last month is a very hard month for me. I hope I still have my readers! Hahahaha!

Thank you for your patience and sorry for making you guys wait. Stay safe and hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a lovely day!xxxx Hayes

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