Chapter 26

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Franki's Point Of View

I woke up with a headache and an aching body, as I sat up I immediately cover my eyes using my hands. The blinds are open and the suns were madly beaming directly in my face making my head hurt more.

I heard footsteps, as I look forward to the door I noticed that this is not the secret room or Diana's and Mine's room.

I started to panic as I realized that I am in a completely unfamiliar place, I immediately stood up and ran towards the door.

I immediately locked the door and used the chair to secure it more, that's when the doorknob stars to jiggle and hands pounding can be heard.

"Franki? Franki! It's me, Diana. Please darling open the door." I started to think. Is that really Diana or just someone? Others have incredible talent of immitating other peoples voices.

I started to think if it's really her, I need to make sure for my own safety. And that's why I now have a great idea that will surely work.

"If you're Diana, who's my first kiss?" The knocking on the door stop and so is my breathing. Wrong answer. I'm in danger.

"It's your ex, Argel. Argel who cheated to you with your best friend Kiara. But you said, It's me. I'm the first woman you ever kissed." Her voice is soft and loving. I slowly walk towards the door and remove the chair. Bringing my slowly in the doorknob to unlock it.

I finally unlocked the door and slowly opened it, she's there. Her head looking in her feet as if something is interesting in it, she's there standing in her oversized hoodie and her favorite boxer shorts. She looks so soft.

Finally she look at me, and I quickly notice that tears started to peak in her eyes. I immediately hug her and led her inside the room.
We sat down in the bed, her face buried on my neck. I already feel that the t-shirt that I am wearing is already soaked with tears.

I started to rub her back softly up and down, trying to calm her down.
After a few minutes of doing it, I succeed as her breathing turn into her natural pace, soft and steady.

I let her go so she can breath a proper air
I steady her face and see that her eyes are blood shot, her cheeks are rosy and so her pointy nose.

"Where am I?" Is the first thing that I said. My tone is cold, demanding, husky and steady. I, myself is also shocked. And noticed that Diana flinch because of the way I speak.

"Uhm, we're in another house. Our house." her eyes in her lap and she's playing with her hands, indicating that she's nervous.

"What happened? What happened to me? Why did I suddenly woke up here?"
My voice started to raise, and I can feel that my headache is getting worst.

"We're in a middle of problem, the-"

I can see Diana's talking, but I can't hear her. I'm here, but my mind is in somewhere else.

I started to get dizzy and next thing I knew, I heard voices that's shouting. And darkness starts to appear.

I woke up, but not in the bed or in Diana's arms. I woke up in the floor, the floor in the secret room where me and Diana fell asleep. I look around to make sure if I really am in the old house.

I'm about to open the door when I suddenly heard shouting, I can't clearly hear what are they saying.
But the tone are anger, frustration and annoyance.

I blink and now I heard things, glasses, yelp, scream, angry punches.
I heard all of it.

I slowly walk backwards, I'm feeling lost, scared. No, I'm not sure what to feel about it.

I'm dizzy, I feel like the room is literally spinning. I slowly lay on floor, trying to focus. But My eyes started to be heavy, there's a mirror above my head.

A heavy feeling that's telling me to look, and so I did. I saw myself changing. I can feel my skin itching and slowly stratching, I'm paler than my usual skin, I can see that my hands are hairy, my eyes are no brown anymore, they're purple. This doesn't look like me. This is no, Franki.

I can feel my breathing start in a not so normal pace. I feel like the walls are closing around me, the dizziness starts. But this is much worse.

I look in the ceiling trying to concentrate, but darkness starts to crawl in the corner of my eyes. I don't fight, I didn't move, I let it ate me. For the 3rd time today.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS?!" Nothing much happened, I just woke up because they poured a fucking cold water on my face.

I got tackled by someone resulting of me laying down on the floor again. And I look at the person on top of me and saw that it's Diana.

"OH GOSH FRANKI I'M GLAD THAT YOU'RE OKAY" she said while hugging me really tight.

"Wait, what? What happened?" I asked looking at her with confusion clear in my face. "What do you mean what happened? Are you joking? You passed out Franki." She said finally letting me go and now looking at my eyes with worries can be clearly see and sense.

"Wait, what? I thought I just slept. Cause I had a dream, I don't know if dream or what but it's weird." Everyone in the room got silent and just looking at each others eyes.

Denise sense that Diana isn't gonna talk soon so she decided to step up and ask me question.

"What is it about Franki? The one that you see?"

"Uhm the dream? It's about you guys outside of the secret room, shouting at someone and then I blink and I heard yelp screams broken glasses, I got dizzy and suddenly I fell in the floor, I saw myself in the mirror changing. Violet eyes, really pale skin, my skin got hairy than my usual, I don't know what is my dream about but, I'm scared."
Everyone in the room got silent again for the second time. Weird but I can hear their heartbeat. And it's loud and fast.

"Franki." Diana said finally speaking up after being silent for a few minutes, I look at her waiting for her to continue.

"Franki, it's not a dream baby. It's a memory, It's a memory from last night. And I think it's now time for you to know, what is it about." She said holding my hands and looking seriously in my eyes.

My heart starts beating really fast, what is it? What are they hiding for me? What does she mean that it's my memory from last night? Who I really am?

Or worse, what am I?

"Franki, sit down in the bed and relax. We will tell you right now, what really happened. And what it is that you saw in your dream. The way you see yourself."

Everyone got their selves in a more comfortable place, some also seating in the bed with me, some in the floor. Denise in the chair facing me, and Diana holding my hand besides me.

"Franki, it starts when....."



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