Chapter 24

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Diana's Point Of View.
After me and Franki got tired after watching bunches episodes of pretty little liars we decided to sleep.
It's around 2:30 am when I heard a loud clash outside the room, it couldn't be Denise or anyone living in this house because they are fast enough to catch something that's about to fall.

Well except Franki, and totally not Franki. She's here beside me, sleeping peacefully. Clutching in her own shirt.

I slowly get up, trying not to make a noise so Franki can sleep peacefully. I got my phone from the bedside table and make sure that I have my phone silent so it will not make any noise, trying to be careful as much as possible.

I contacted Denise and after a seconds of my phone ringing she immediately answer it.

"Hey Diana did you hear that?"

"Uh actually that's I'm about to ask you, did you know what or who is it though"
I said with a smile on my face while looking at Franki's small frame peacefully sleeping.

"I already called everyone, so they're now awake. But no, we still didn't check who's inside or what's inside the house. Stay inside there with Franki, we already got this."

"But-" I'm about to answer when I heard Franki's movement, and I look at her she's already half awake.

"Wait, got to go. Franki is already up."
I ended the phone and that's when Franki's fully awake.

"Diana?" She said with her sleepy yet loud voice while wiping the sleep in her eyes.

Me trying to keep quiet quickly act and cover her mouth, I can feel through my hand that Franki is trying to scream yet no voice can be heard. She keep trashing in the bed trying to escape, not until we heard the glass material out of the room and shattered. And finally, Franki stop herself from trying to get herself out of my grasp.

"Shh Franki, It's me Diana. Please be quiet, don't make any noise and stay here." as I walk towards the door to listen what's happening outside, I glance at Franki and see the panic that is evident to her face. And the heavy breathing coming from her mouth, can be heard clearly in the room.

I listen, trying to sense a movement but I heard nothing. Only silence.

"Who's outside Diana? What are they looking for?" honestly? I don't know, might be a burglar or anyone. But I know someone who's not scared or have the nerves to enter this high security house that once you triggered one of the surveillance that we set in every entrance of the house, the alarm will go off in the entire house and only the IT team can fix it.

"I don't know, but stay here and I'll check it out. Try to call Denise silently, she must be awake right now." I know Denise is already up, I just don't like Franki to think that everyone is aware what's happening except her. But now is not the time. Now is not the time to sit down and tell everything.

"But, It's dangerous. You should not go out there, we don't even know who's outside of the door right now."

But look, someone is outside of our house. But non of the surveillance system were triggered. No alarms, nothing, just few careful movements and from time to time, silence.

There are no normal human can passed those surveillance systems that we set up, without atleast triggering one of those.

It's impossible, we always leave no trace. But how? How did they found us?
I feel the anger rising in my body, trying to control myself to release it infront of Franki. My nails getting longer, hairs in my arm starting to grow. I started to count 1 to 10 and trying the inhale and exhale to calm myself, and everything in my appearance came back to normal.
And now I just hope that Franki didn't notice anything.

Franki tried to stop me from going outside, but my mind is too occupied for me to care. I needed to face them, I have to.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it Diana, the transferee student of UST. Why are you here? Oh, yes I remember. Franki russell, your little girlfriend. How pathetic, trying to get close to the most strongest  no blood of a normal human being among us? She's not yours." Yes, it's her. She is the Veah Marcelo,  the student from UST.
And also the member of my family's enemy. Chin up as if she's a princess, her dark chocolate eyes turning into green ones. Noticed that is she is not alone.

"How dare you to claim her as if she's a material? Keep your chin up huh? as if you intimidate me." I said smirk is visible in my face, eyes turning blue. But still with human appearance, I can hear the others coming in here, but there's no sign of Denise.

"Oh really? What will you do huh?" She said walking a little closer to me and intentionally pushed the flower vase off the table, trying to make me flinch. But I don't, that's when I heard a hurried walking and saw that it's Denise.

Someone put a hand on Veah's shoulder that got her stop from talking, that's when she got herself aside and a gorgeous woman with now a green eyes walking slowly in the front. Making everyone in her group in position, and now I know who's she is. Abi, Abi Kassem. The leader of their group.

"DON'T GET ANY CLOSER TO US!" Denise shouted beside me, I saw that every each of my group is already in a position.

"Stand tall, we don't want to fight with them here." I calmy said with authority and anger in my voice that made all of them focus in me even th other group.

"We want the lady to be with us, to grow with us. We don't want to have a scene here, give us the Lady and we will let you all live peacefully." Abi said, she's so calm. As if nothing is wrong in the situation right now. As if she's only talking to her friends. But no, no friends were made with the lifetime enemies.

"NO, SHE CAN'T BE WITH YOU! WE TRIED TO PROTECT HER ALL THESE YEARS, YET YOU BROUGHT NOTHING TO HER BUT DANGERS! YOU CAN NEVER GET HER FROM US! HER PARENTS TRUSTED US WITH THER DAUGHTER, NOT TO YOU WHO DON'T DO ANYTHING BUT PUT HER LIFE IN THE EDGE!" It's Denise, I didn't flinch or startled at all. She's always calm, I never seen her act like this before. But I am a leader, I should stand and act like it.

That's when I see the anger flash in Abi's eyes, "NO, HER MOTHER GAVE BIRTH IN OUR LAND! THERE'S NO WAY THEIR DAUGHTER IN YOUR LAND AND USE HER AGAINST US, WHAT'S OURS IS OURS!" Abi, she's fuming. If this is a cartoon there's probably a steam coming out from her nose and ears.

"We will never use the lady against your clan, but she is ours. Her mother and Father told us that we are the one that will be taking care of the lady, like it or not. She will be here." Denise said not shouting anymore, but her voice is shaking and anger is evident. I know better than to stop her. You wouldn't like the consequences.

In the blink of an Eye, the group infront of us are now all have a pale skin and the ones light green eyes and light red eyes now turned into darker ones. Fangs out, and about ready for all of us to get messy.

I can now see all in my groups are now in the full form of a big wolves, waiting for me to form. The ones light blue and gray eyes are now turned into darker ones.

Feeling my back getting in to form, my arms and legs starting to grow the hairs. My body changing into position, my body tearing the clothes that I'm wearing. And now fully formed, ready to get in the mess.

"Then the decision is already made then. You against us. You can never have her while we're still alive."

Everyone is now in their own position, ready for whatever's gonna happen now.
And in the blink of an eye, chaotic scene is now infront of me.

Hello luvs, sorry for the wait for this chapter. I hope I still have my readers, pls vote every chapter that I published. I am trying to update as soon as possible, though in these past few weeks been hard for me. I still do my best to serve you the chapters that all of you deserve. Always remember, stay home and stay safe.


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