Chapter 30: You are that one breath.

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 Ok, think through this...

Mei was holding onto his right arm as he lowered himself to the steps, Momo and Ochako rushing to his side.

I turned off my pain receptors to keep myself from going into shock, but that risk is low already. I need to feel how deep the blade is and what's pierced.

He gritted his teeth and leaned onto Mei, whose eyes were jittering with terror. "Ok- its ok, I'm fine... I'm fine..."

Momo got to his side, looking at the blade sticking out of his chest with fear. "I-Izuku?"

Ok-ok, with her here... "Momo I need you to produce some gauze, anything clothlike would work, and something adhesive?" he groaned, leaning back to the steps.

"W-why?" She asked, eyes locked on the handle of the blade.

"Cause I need to pull the blade out before my own heart beating makes the cut worse." He said simply, looking way too calm for a person that was just stabbed.

"B-but we didn't get first aid trainin' yet... you'll bleed out." Ochako mumbled, too shocked to move from her spot at his sides.

"First, I gotta stop the bleeding when it happens... so far with the knife still in it hasn't started to bleed yet. But the knife needs to get out. Fast. And when it does, it will bleed. " Izuku was trying to keep his voice steady. "I- I don't know how deep in it really is, didn't get a chance to look at the knife before it went in. I also turned my pain receptors off..."

They all gulped.

"I'll turn them back on in a moment; we need to know what exactly is pierced..." He looked at the ground, as he slowly let the nerves transfer the information, tears sprouting instantly as he felt how close the knife was to his aorta, feeling the hole in the Pericardium, the hot flashes of pain rippling through his body in waves with every heartbeat. "J-Jesus Christ..." He whimpered, trying to keep his voice low.

The girls started to panic more. Ochako running off to grab her phone as Momo collapsed next to him. Mei held his arm as if her grip alone was keeping him alive.

"I-I'm fine, Momo. I gotta pull this thing out. I need gauze now! " He whimpered, keeping his eyes shut.

"B-but It won't be sterile," Mei opposed. "we gotta wait till the ambulance gets her-"

"Momo can't generate living matter; it's gonna be sterile," Izuku explained breathlessly. "Momo, we gotta do it now, adrenaline is making my heart beat faster. Don't forget creating gloves too"

Momo gulped, her hands glowing as gloves grew from her skin, followed by some gauze on her thigh. "I-It's ready."

Izuku smiled grimly, cracking a teary eye open. "O-Ok I'm gonna pull this out on three, push the gauze onto the wound as hard as you can when I do."

Momo nodded, gripping the gauze with both hands close to his chest.

"One..." He gripped the knife tighter with his one hand. "Two..." He gulped and relaxed the muscles around the knife, blood starting to seep out from the sides slowly. "Three!"

With one fluid motion, he pulled the blade out, teeth clacking shut as he did. Momo listening to his request pushed the gauze against his chest right after the knife was out of the wound, hindering the bloodloss.

He leaned his head against the steps, breathing heavily as the knife clattered down onto the steps. "Th-thanks."

She was crying softly, as was Mei. "Y-you promised you wouldn't s-scare me again after USJ!" She sobbed as she applied pressure to the site of the wound.

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