Chapter 12

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(Narrator's P.O.V.)

Indeed it was a long car trip, but not as long as (Y/n) truly felt like it was. Despite the cheerful music that emitted from the radio there was tension amongst the two. Although not completely awkward, it was more of a mixture of awkward and anxiety, but if you feel all the tension it the vehicle, you could feel some hidden anger emitting from the strong German man.

Not anger at the young woman in the passenger seat, no. But anger, perhaps towards the creature who had harmed so many. Perhaps there were some unseen ties connected between the German man and the creature.

Although not likely, it still could happen. The creatures influence was far to great for anyone really.

The younge woman could still feel the crushing tension in the vehicle, she eyed the radio - a possible distraction or ice breaker.

Her (s/c) fingure gently press the power button, half expecting some sort of rock band or German music to play out of the speakers around the van. Clearly evident that the German man had driven the vehicle  recently due to a small dog collar that dangled from the van's mirror. Reading some beloved pet's name in another language. Between the accents and how ridiculously long and strange the name was, one could only assume German.

(I love my German readers but you guy's language has some of the weirdest ways to say things to me. I had to learn "Der Tanz" in choir and I sat there like a dummy looking over it originally.)

But instead something unexpected came on: "Sense never seemed to make sense to me, not the sense you administer repeatedly."
The words accompanied with the catchy beat behind them made for a very enjoyable listen.

(All you people who know the band, please tell me that I'm not the only person in America who knows them. I haven't met people who know the band.)

The German man smiled at the song, "here zis vill fit ze trip better."

Frits touched one of the button numbers and the song switched to another one on the cd.

"Love it when you let go" the song started.

"What is this song?" The woman questioned.

"It's called "bumpy ride" form ze Hoosiers, zhere vone of my favorite bands. Zhere from ze United Kingdom." Fritz explained.

"I didn't know you knew a band from the UK." The young female said, taking in the new information.

"Ja meine mutter vas from ze UK und meine vater vas from Germany. Making me only half German, I grew up in Stuttgart, Germany. One of meine younger cousins in ze UK like zis band and got me into it."

(If anything is wrong in that sentence I'm sorry and please correct me. It supposed to be Fritz's German accent with a bit of German words.)

All the tension in the van had been lifted by this one band, that Fritz enjoyed. The (s/c) female was pleased to hear the German man's fond tale as the catchy music played in the background. But both of the people in the van had stopped speaking just so they the could enjoy the music.

Suddenly you could hear a, "yeah that does sound like a catchy song, but I could recommend you a couple of good American bands that I think you'll like Fritz."

The female jumped at the sound of Noah's voice coming form the ear piece.

"Ja, ja jou say zat but last time jou "recomended" a song it vas one of zose Japanese intro songs from you favorite anime." The brunette stated, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah, bu-"

"Und zen jou had me listen to somezing about a hotel und inside every demon is a rainbow- somezing like zat, I could barely understand vhat zat girl vas saying in most of ze song." Fritz interrupted.

"Hey that's a good song, and I'm being serious this time." Noah was clear somewhere else in the room, and a faint shuffling of fabric could be heard.

"Either way I'm sitting you down to listen to some Twenty Øne Piløts and Set It Off eventually. " Noah continued.

The female held in a laugh at the two bickering like an old married couple.

"Hopefully zere actually good, after you showed me zat rainbow demon song I'm starting to zink your gay." Fritz said slightly joking at that last part.

Suddenly you could here a bang and an "ow".

"Are you alright Noah?" (Y/n) asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, just hit my head under the table." Noah groaned in pain.

"Sorry, for startling jou vith zat joke. It vas uncalled for." Fritz apologized, still his brown eye faced the road.

"N-no it fine, it was just a joke!" Noah said slightly paniced.

Fritz and (Y/n) glanced over at one another giving each other a silent message - as if they both knew what one another was thinking.

They both look back at the road the radio playing a different song by "The Hoosiers".


After what felt like forever the two made it to Rosswood park. Fritz parked the van and both of them got out, Noah however continued to shuffle about the room and various things were being moved around.

The male and female went to the trail entrance, "vhat ze Hell are jou doing Noah?" The scarred male whisper yelled.

"Cleaning up and making room for our new guest." Noah stated from across the room.

"Vell get back to ze monitors and watch our backs!" He whisper yelled louder.

"Okay, okay Mr. Bossy pants. I didn't realise you guys were there already, felt like for ever in the nerve van." Noah said gradually getting clearer and louder to the microphone.

"Don't call it zat." Fritz said in an annoyed tone.

"Rodger that, I will no longer refer to the van the foundations gave to us as the "nerve van"." Noah sarcastically said, eye roll could be felt through the ear piece.

Fritz huffed and started to walk into the forest the (fabulous) female followed close by. Fritz reached for his gun, pulling it out of the holster, turning off the safety, and putting his hands read to shoot. (Y/n) followed the same procedure.

"Hate to do zis to jou (Y/n), but jou probably should go first since jou know zis trail better zen me." Fritz whispered. (Y/n) was a bit nervous but she still nodded and went a bit in front of the muscular male.

(Hey guys! How you guys don't? Well here's another chapter! Once again not exactly "action packed" but I can promise next chapter we will be seeing our faceless friend.

How was your guy's Christmas?

Answer in the comments: what was your favorite gift you got this Christmas?)

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