Chapter 13

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(Warning: Fritz does the big swear! Reader's descression is advisedヽ(°〇°)ノ)

The tension was thick, each and every snap, crackle, or rustling was met with a gun pointed at it. Small chirps from birds, the crunching of the two adults foot steps, and the soft breeze making the leaves rustle ever so slightly was the only thing that could be heard. Yet as the two adults made their way through the trail, the chirping of birds and the wild life sightings seemed to dwindle, until there was practically none left.

Yes, the young women had an idea of the trail area, but: were exactly are they supposed to go? Rosswood Park's trail was huge, and nowhere in the report did it say were exactly the men were abducted. For all she knew: the could have gone deeper in the woods, off the trail.

They had to only guess.

"Guys I hate to break it to you but I think I'm slowly losing signal." Noah spoke through the ear peice.

"" Fritz whispered in a questioning tone.

"N- o- I do- don't thi- think so- o. The- e si- nal is ju- just gar- bage." The earpieces started to lag Noah's voice.

"Vhat about cameras?" Fritz asked worried.

"Ch- opy but- ut feas- ible. I'm gon- na see- ee if I- I ca- n ma- make it- t bet- ter. Ke- ep y- your eyes ex- tra peel- ed." Noah choppily replied.

"You do that, Noah." (Y/n) encouraged.

"If jou start to here static in za earpiece let me know (Y/n)." Fritz warned.

The young women nodded not taking her eyes off the trail in front of her.

"I think I have an idea where they went originally. We're gonna have to go off the trail a good little bit." The (brunette/blond/ravenette/ect.) mentioned looking back at the giant man that trailed behind her.

Fritz responded with a nod.

((Y/n)'s  P.O.V.)

It's been a good while since I seen the tunnel. I'm sure they went there, it's a perfect place to film. It would be great in a professional horror movie, that's for sure.

Going off the trail I followed a whole made side trail. Some of the plants looked freshly beaten down to recreate the trail. Someone's definitely been hear recently.

It would be only a short time to make it to the trail. But the forest was deathly silent, no longer did any birds chirp or the sound of the occasional squirrel come through.

No longer could I hear the sound of Noah attempting to fix the singnal...

Why is it so quiet?

I could feel eyes burning in the back of my head, suddenly quiet, soft static could be heard through the earpiece instead.

Both Fritz and I tensed up...

It was here...

It- or he- was watching us.

We could both silently agree he was here.

I could now see the tunnel. The stream in front of it with a few rocks across it to make a trail.

Although on the ground I could see police tape that had been torn down and blood stained leaves.

Fritz must have looked a head, "shit," he cursed. "Ve need to go back, now."

I gulped a lump in my throat and nodded. The static grew louder, at this alarming revelation Fritz must have looked back.

"SHIT!" He cursed loudly.

Within the trees (Slenderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now