Their Promise

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The following Monday, the students returned to U.A. Class 1-A was filled with laughter early in the morning as Kirishima and Sero made fun of the explosive blonde's hair.

"Stop laughing!" Bakugou was shaking with anger. Even after the internship with Best Jeanist, somehow his hair stayed in it's gelled down form and made him look like a damn prissy. He loathed everything about his internship. "My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it... I said, stop laughing!"


From her own seat, Shiro had her lips pursed in order to not burst out laughing herself. Bakugou's hair was normal when she saw him that night during the Nomu attack, but he must've been dragged back and shaped up by the Pro Hero even harder after his display of anger and defiance. It was as if the blonde was playing dress-up while she went through grueling training. She only regretted not being able to see the blonde's face while he was being prim and primed.

"I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!" Sero howled as he clutched his stomach.

"Pft," Shiro let out a short chortle at the nickname. It was too good; the male was getting a taste of his own medicine. Good going, Sero!

Bakugou's anger exploded along with a small blush when he heard the girl laugh as well. "I should've let your scattered-brain ass get roasted in that explosion!" he growled. At least, his anger effectively made his hair blow back up to normal, but it only made the guys laugh harder.

"It's back! Pahahahah!"

"Ah, Shiro-san! You never mentioned an explosion... Are you and Kacchan really okay?!" Midoriya fretted when he heard. Not many people thought much about the Nomu attacks that happened in two different cities because Stain was such a big deal, but being there to witness it first-hand, he knew the danger.

"It's a long story. No one got hurt, though," she replied reassuringly.

"It's not like we need your fucking concern, nerd," Bakugou slammed his hands on the boy's desk harshly. He pushed the boy aside as he went to take care of the other two who were still laughing at him, "Get lost!"

"You'd think he'd be happy with interning at the No. 4 Pro Hero's agency," Jiro wondered with an exasperated expression as she twirled an earphone jack. Kaminari followed her gaze as she shifted her eyes to Uraraka, who still had a certain intensity in her eyes and form from interning with Battle Hero: Gunhead. "Somehow, Uraraka's more terrifying right now. She's awakened."

"That's a huge change for just one week..." Kaminari agreed. "I was kind of fawned over and had a good time. But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most..." he turned to Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki in the back of the room. "Had to be these three!"

"Oh yeah, the Hero Killer!" Sero remembered while being dragged by the collar by Bakugou. On the same boat, Kirishima nodded.

"I'm glad you guys made it out alive! Seriously."

As a few people gathered around the corner, Shiro looked at the hesitant green haired male next to her curiously before drawing her attention to the other two. "The news said Endeavor saved you guys," she stated. She had a feeling there was more to the story, though.

Todoroki thought back to what the Chief of police said to them and hesitated. "Yeah. He saved us," he mumbled.

"I saw on the news that the Hero Killer was connected to the League of Villains," Ojiro pitched in as well. "Imagining someone that scary coming to USJ freaks me out."

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