Chapter 19

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Tims POV:

Faith called me over to talk. I didn't know why but I listened to her. We walked over to the living room and sat down.

Faith sat on the couch across me and I sat on the other one. She stared at me and I winked at her.

Faith: okay what's wrong

Tim: nothings wrong

Faith: yes, some things wrong with you Tim. I've known you longer than any woman on earth. Now what's wrong baby remember you can tell me anything?

Tim: when I signed the picture for the man...

Faith: yeah??

Tim: well I just saw how happy that little girl was

Faith: Tim where is this going

Tim: Faith don't hate me or anything but before we even met or got married I was married

Faith: yeah I know you told me you were married with Kristine so what

Tim: yes with Kristine. And well me and her

Faith: Tim spit it out please your worrying me

Tim: I had 2 kids with her. A boy and a girl.

Faith: Tim....

Tim: no listen I'm not finished please let me explain before you go out on me

Faith: okay go on?

Tim: me and you are 15 years in marriage and I left Kristine  years before the tour even started. from what my mom tells me Kristine lives in Louisiana and that my son is 13 and my daughter is 11 I'm sorry I didnt tell you I really am its just Kristine didn't want me to be apart of their lives so she told me to forget about them and I did but when I saw the picture it all came back to me I'm truly sorry

I was getting tears in my eyes. Faith seemed so interested on my explaining but I just awaited. Awaited for her to yell at me. Slap me in the face for not telling her.

She stood up and walked over to the couch I was sitting on. I braced myself for the scolding. Instead she sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me and laid my head on her shoulder.

I broke down. I wish I could see my kids. Tell them that I'm their dad and that Faith is their step-mom. I just want to find them.

Faith's POV:

Hearing Tims story was just touching. I felt really bad. Here I am trying to get pregnant when I probably can't when Tim has 2 kids he has never seen.

I have him wrapped in my arms right now. I'm soothing him with words of comfort. After about a dew minutes he lifts his head and kisses my lips. I kiss back and i pull away.

Faith: baby you will see your kids I'll promise you that. Now get up straighten up and put a million dollar smiles that drives them girls crazy. You got a concert to do

Tim got up and side as I told him. He bent down and gave me another kiss. While he was into the kiss I smacked his butt and darted up the stairs to my room.

Authors note:

Okay one of you guys guessed correct on what was gonna happen for this chapter. I kinda like writing this book because I'm showing feelings and emotions from my real-world and I'm putting them here. Only if you knew me well you'd understand why.

Anyways.... what do you think about Faith??? And what do you think is gonna happen next

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