Chapter 23

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Tims POV:

After me and Faith said goodbye to the crowd we walked backstage hand in hand. Once we reached our dressing rooms Faith jumped into my arms. I spun her around and kissed her with happiness.

Faith: Tim your the best!!!

Tim: I am aren't I

Faith: yes you are I can't believe you want to help me get back into country music

Tim: of course

She jumped into my arms. She kissed me and couldn't wipe that smile off her face. We gathered our things and headed out. We walked to the truck and hopped in.

Tim: oh Faith we have to go surprise that girl

Faith: oh yeah let's going

We drove to the address that was given to me. After about 45 minutes looking for the place we finally found it. We pulled in front of the house and parked the truck. We got off and walked to the front steps.

Faith: you nervous

Tim: not one single

Faith: that's good baby

We rang the door bell. We waited. Finally someone opened the door. It was a little girl.

Audrey: how may I

SLAM! The door slammed in our faces. We heard screaming from inside. Then she cracked opened the door again.

Audrey: are you the Tim McGraw and Faith Hill

Faith: while yes

Tim: yes we are

Audrey: what brings y'all to this side of Nashville

Tim: a little bird told me about it

Audrey: dad can they come in??

Alfred: sure thing honey

Audrey: come in

We walked inside and they made us feel welcome. We all sat down in the living room. It was silence at first but Audrey cut the ice.

Audrey: so what brings you guys here doe reals

Tim: your father cane over to Faith's house to fix the heater and when he finished he didn't notice that we were the actual Tim McGraw And Faith Hill

Audrey: dad how could you not notice they have a sign at the gate that says McGraw established 1996

Faith: its okay sweetie anyways when your dad finished he came so we can pay him for the job and he mentioned you were a fan and he gave Tim a picture of you

Faiths POV:

As I was explaining what happened to Audrey her face expression changed.

It was funny at first but then I stopped laughing. I turned over to Tim and saw him taking pictures with Audrey's camera. He had a smile on his face all the time. I saw the happiness in his eyes and it said it all. I just imagine how he will be with his own kids. I though of something then finally got the plan.

Alfred: would you like to join us for dinner?

Tim: if its fine with y'all and my wife its fine for me

Faith: we'd love to join y'all

Alfred: do you like chicken and dumplings??

Tim/Faith: yes!

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