Chapter 37

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Caleb's POV:

I was being forced to watch my dad be kicked on the sides by Gary. I was crying just by seeing it. I heard police men outside talking to a woman. Through the corner of my eye I saw Faith at the door. I knew right away that she would help us out.

Gary: Tim you ready to be shot??


Jack ended up slapping me. He kept slapping me multiple times. Gary and Jack walked to one part of the factory. Dad dragged himself over to me.

Tim: son don't worry about me.

Caleb: but dad you can risk yourself getting killed here.

Tim: Caleb I'm doing this because I love you. I'm saving you and that's that.

Caleb: what about Rayna? What about grandma what about Faith.

Tims POV:

Faith! Faith is outside with the police. I have to save her also. I have to keep my family safe.

I remembered that I had a gun in my coat pocket. I grabbed inside and felt the cold metal. I looked for the close body figure and saw Jack.

Tim: Caleb close your eyes. Now

Caleb: Dad what are you----????

Tim: Caleb just close your eyes okay!

I pulled the trigger and saw jack crash to his knees. I hid the gun and made sure Gary didn't see.

Faiths POV:

I heard a trigger be pulled. I kept my mind thinking positive. Tim can't be shot. I grabbed the rope and stepped on the rails. I counted to three and closed my eyes.

Faith: one.....two.....three.....

I jumped off and opened my eyes. The slid down the rope. Once I hit the ground I spotted Tim trying to free Caleb. I looked around the room and saw Gary. I aimed at him and fired all 8 shots. Gary dropped to the ground and blessed out.

Faith: Tim!

I ran into Tims arms and hugged him. He hugged me tight. Caleb hugged me and cried.

Faith: its okay Caleb your safe now.

Tim: I'll let the police know and we can head out

Faith: okay

We followed tim and the police went inside to get the bodies. An ambulance was already waiting for us. Tim and Caleb both went to get checked. I stayed by Tims side and held his hand. I hear a car pull up and I turn and see Martina and Rayna.

Rayna: Daddy! Caleb! Mom!!!

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