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Shen Wei opened his eyes slowly rays of sun seeping through the curtain forced his eyes to squint in discomfort. His vision was still a little hazy, he tried to sit up slowly but had no strength. In the meantime the door opened and Yunlan stepped inside the room, he stopped in his steps seeing Shen Wei was awake, then He came forward to help the boy sit up. Meanwhile Shen kept staring at him his face expressionless, although not much but Yunlan looked better than yesterday atleast Zhao's eyes doesn't looks lifeless .

"So you are finally awake ?" (ZY)

" En" (SW)

" So how are you feeling now ?" (ZY)

" Disappointed" (SW)

Zhao Yunlan looked at him with questioning gaze. Shen Wei looked straight in those flirtatious eyes which never fails to entice his being, hiding his inner turmoil Shen continued " I Shen Wei presented myself proudly Infront of you and vowed to protect you with my life but as I can see a little bullet was enough to put me down, not only that my MASTER also had to take care of me."
Shen intentionally mentioned that specific word.

Yunlan smiled casually and avoided those piercing eyes which seemed to sear his soul. Yunlan's heart trembled, masking his emotion he then spoke up " Don't be so hard on yourself you did great."

"So boss how long has it been since I was out?" Wei asked. 

"Over one month" Zhao answered.

"I'm sorry for making you worried. Please forgive me" Shen spoke lowering his head.

Zhao nodded " I forgive you " then he paused and added " But I wouldn't have forgiven you if you died " he pinched Shen's chin in his fingers and enunciated each word at a time " You are only allowed to die by my own hand remember that well Shen Wei".

This sudden change in Zhao's mood made Shen awestruck. His whole being thrummed with raw emotions as if electricity is running through his veins. The words spoken by Zhao was nothing new to Shen but the underlying sentiment had a slight change. Shen Wei could only nod dazedly in response with widened eyes. Shen Wei resembled a deer caught Infront of a car headlights. This sight made Zhao hum with satisfaction, to be able to see such reaction on the boy's face who is unfazed even in most critical condition it was really amusing all the more so because it was all due to himself . He was the only person who can see the different sides of this boy and make him stutter. He raised his hand and ruffled Wei's hair as he spoke " Hmm my little doll is a good boy."

"So you are alive huh ?" Chu spoke up who just stepped inside the room followed by Yaqing. Shen Wei glanced at her lightly before turning his gaze towards Chu as he bowed his head to greet him. "
You are quite a daredevil. You have gut boy I'm impressed " (Chu).

Shen didn't know what to respond so he just sat there in silence . Chu continued " I was quite skeptical about you joining our group at first but now I'm convinced. Your loyalty moved me".

" Come on stop pulling such a long face see this tough guy here is also praising you which is extremely rare" Yunlan added from the side. Chu Suzhi could not help but roll his eyes.

Shen Wei nodded then asked " When will I be discharged ?"

" Within a week I guess if everything looks alright " Zhao answered

" Boss it's time " Yaqing spoke up who was silent till now.

" Oh it's already time " Zhao looked at his watch then looked at Shen " Take rest and get well soon." Shen nodded

"Ok let's go. Yaqing stay here and call me if there's any emergency." After saying this Zhao left with Chu

Yaqing respectfully bowed towards his boss and after Zhao left she stepped up to leave the room but was rooted to the place when she heard a crisp clear sentence " It's nice to meet you again ."

Lust and Blood( A Weilan/Lanwei Story)Where stories live. Discover now