Chapter 4: Secrets

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"There is no secret that time will not reveal."

                                                                     -Jean Racine

"I would really appreciate it if you got out of my face."

Your voice came out cold and indifferent as you stared at the wide-eyed man in front of you, his nose only inches from yours as his hazel gaze scanned over your face.

"I can't believe you're actually real." He confessed quietly. "I've never seen a siren before."

You rolled your eyes at his words, leaning backwards in an attempt to put some distance between the two of you.

You opened your mouth to deny his claims and tell him that you were, in fact, human....but you knew from experience that denying it was futile. No one ever listened to you..that was one thing that remained consistent in all of the worlds you had visited.

"You're so beautiful." Namjoon chimed in from beside you, studying you closely. "I don't think I've ever seen a woman as beautiful as you are."

You furrowed your brows at his words.

"That's because most of the women you spend time with are prostitutes."

Namjoon's brown eyes widened slightly at that, head tilting to the side cutely.

"How did you know that?" He asked. "Can sirens read minds?"

An annoyed sigh moved past your lips as you rubbed your temples in annoyance.

Jimin had done this on purpose. You were sure of it.

He had told the two men to keep an eye on you while he attended to his duties as a captain. He assured you that you were in good hands, but the two men had been asking you questions non-stop and trying to touch your face for some reason that still remained unknown to you.

When you saw the blue-haired captain, you would be sure to give him a piece of your mind.

"The two of you should stop bugging the lady."

Your eyes snapped up at the deep voice that filled the air, watching as a familiar figure stepped through the door, a small smile on his face.

"We were only asking a few questions." Taehyung pouted.

Yoongi raised a brow.

"Must you ask them while you're three inches away from her face?"

The two men let grumbled out a few words before backing away from you slowly, annoyance written on their features.

Yoongi let out a laugh at their deflated expression, running a hand through his crimson hair.

"Go tend to your duties. I'll take watch over the siren."


"Unless you'd like to take this up with the captain?"

You let out a sigh of relief as the two men hung their heads, giving you one last glance before exiting the room, closing the door shut behind them.

Your blue eyes trailed over to where Yoongi stood, watching as he took in your appearance.

"That's certainly not what I expected a lady to wear." He stated honestly, gazing at your outfit.

You shrugged your shoulders.

"I decided against wearing fifteen layers of fabric in the middle of the summer." You deadpanned.

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