★ | 132. off limits, riverdale

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 132: Off Limits, Riverdale
Word Count: 1161

There were some things in life that were just off limits and no matter how much you wanted them, you couldn't have them

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There were some things in life that were just off limits and no matter how much you wanted them, you couldn't have them. It sucked but you just had to deal with it. That's what he had been doing for so long. Dealing with it. Dealing with the fact that he was in love with his brothers ex girlfriend and she loved him back.

But they couldn't be together because as much as he loved her, he knew Archie was still in love with her and [name] just couldn't hurt him.

They why he tried to move on. He was with other people. Girls, guys. He didn't care. As long as they could take his mind off of Veronica for a while.

He stood at his locker, next to some girl he could barely remember the name of. She was very pretty though and she was into him. That's all he needed. He lifted his arm, leaning in close to her, telling her some corny joke that made her giggle.

She lifted her hand and rested it on his chest. "You're so funny." No, she just had a crush on him and any joke he spoke at the moment would be funny to her. Not that he was complaining. 

"He's always been a funny guy." Veronica said as she walked up to them, looking at the girl with a raised eyebrow. "Would you give us a minute? I need to speak with him."

"You can speak with him later. We were in the middle of something." The girl responded, a glare directed at the Lodge girl.

Veronica rolled her eyes. "Okay. [name]. Sweetie. Could you please come with me since your friend doesn't want to leave you alone."

He knew he shouldn't. The right thing to do was stay with this girl and tell Veronica to leave him alone but he didn't. He was weak and he knew it. He looked at the girl who was looking back at him with expectant eyes. He was about to break those expectations. "It was really nice talking to you but I gotta go."

"Seriously?" She responded with a scoff.

"Seriously." Veronica said with a smirk. She linked her arms with his and started to drag him away. "Have a nice day now." She antagonised.

"You really should be nicer to your fellow classmates." He said as they moved down the hallways.

"Nice to people that want to take what's mine? I don't think so." She stopped at an empty classroom and pushed him in. "You really should stop flirting with other people. We both know you only do it to forget about me."

"What does it matter why I do it?"

"It matters because you don't need to do it because you don't need to forget about me. Look. I'm right here in front of you. If you want me so badly than just take me. It's not that hard."

"You're my brothers ex girlfriend. It is that hard. I've already told you that nothing is happening between us. So do what I'm doing and move on."

"Is that what you really want me to do? Move on? Fine. Why don't I just go back to Archie since you want me to move on so badly." She snapped at him. "That's what you want, isn't it?"

"Do I want the girl I'm in love with to be with my brother? No. Do I want my brother to be with the girl he's in love with. Yes. Can you see the predicament I'm in?" He asked her back in a frustrated tone.

"Oh, my god. This is so annoying. Why can't you just man up and do what you want and what makes you happy. Stop thinking about Archie all the time because we both know if the situations were reversed he wouldn't do the same for you."

"That might be true." He shrugged his shoulders. "But it doesn't matter because the roles aren't reversed. I'm sorry Veronica but when it comes down to you or Archie I have to choose my brother. He's my twin and I've always been there for him. I'm not going to let my feelings for you get in the way of that."

"If you really loved me, you would choose me but that's fine. Be the good brother. The selfless one who does everything for Archie. Just don't be too surprised when the roles are reversed and he only thinks of himself."

She left the room, her high heels clicking on the way out. He clenched his fist around the edge of the desk. He wouldn't let her words hurt him. He wasn't changing his mind on the situation.

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Veronica and Archie had gotten back together. Was [name] surprised? Yes and no. He just hoped for Archie's sake that she wasn't just doing this to make him jealous. Archie didn't deserve to be used like that.

He sat on the steps of his house. Veronica and Archie were inside and he didn't want to be around them. He didn't know how long he had been sitting out here for but it was long enough where he was shivering and most likely going to get a cold.

A blanket was put over his shoulders and he looked up to see his dad. "What's on your mind?"

"There's nothing on my mind."

"Oh, sure. Nobody sits outside, alone if there's nothing on their mind." Mr. Andrews looked ahead and sat down next to him. "It's about Veronica, isn't it?"

"How did you..."

"I'm your dad. I know things... and I see things. Like the way you two look at each other. You're lucky Archie hasn't noticed. I'm going to give you some advice whether you want it or not. So listen up. Don't let a girl get in between you and your brother."

"I know dad. I'm not. I've already told Veronica this. Besides, I'm not exactly to thrilled with her at the moment. I'm worried she only got back with Archie to get back at me and if that's true than... that's just a dick move."

"It is."

"Is it weird to say I hope the girl I'm in love with is in love with my brother?" He asked his dad. "If I can't be happy there's no point he can't be either."

"You want Archie to be happy because that's what a good sibling does. What's between Archie and Veronica is their business. If they break up because of her feelings for you than that is not your fault and sure, Archie will be mad at first but he will get over it because he knew you tried your best to make him happy."

"Yeah." [name] sighed. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

All he hoped was that Veronica held good intentions and didn't break his brothers heart like she had broken his.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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