★ | 191. secret sweetheart, ouran high school host club

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 191: Secret Sweetheart, Ouran High School Host Club
Word Count: 1207

Instead of the blue blazer that was on the rest of the boys, [name] had on a leather jacket because in the host club, he was known at the bad boy so he had to play it up for the ladies

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Instead of the blue blazer that was on the rest of the boys, [name] had on a leather jacket because in the host club, he was known at the bad boy so he had to play it up for the ladies. He hadn't wanted to join but it was the only way he could think of to make friends. He didn't even like girls.

Now, he acted like the complete opposite of himself. He wasn't a bad boy. He was a sweet, always follow the rules boy. If they knew that he was sure he would be kicked out of the club and after finally making friends, he would be damned in he lost them.

"What are you going to do after school, [name]?" One of his regular clients asked him.

He puffed out his cheeks, looking as non caring as he could. "I don't know. Might go for a ride on my motorbike. Why? You want to join me?" He smirked, putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his side.

She gasped and giggled, snuggling into his side and he had to hide his cringe. He felt like he was leading her on because she really had no chance with him. "Oh, I wish. However, my parents would never allow it."

"Guess I'll just have to find someone else to join me then." He clicked his tongue and looked around. He didn't even own a motorbike. He only had a regular bicycle.

"Aw, no. You're so mean." She pouted, wrapping her arms around his waist in a tight grip and not letting him move to find someone else.

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The day soon came to an end and [name] said his goodbyes to his friends before making his way out of the club. He would invite them over but he didn't want to risk them finding out about the real him. Being at home seemed to be the only time he could be the real him now but that was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

He was walking along the pathway, nearing his home when he heard a twig snap behind him and he whipped around, seeing no one behind him. He took in a deep gulp, feeling his heart race. "I know there is someone there! Come out or I'll... do something really bad to you!"

He hoped the person didn't take him up on his threat otherwise he was screwed.

"He caught us." An orange haired male jumped out from behind the bush.

"You were the one who stepped on the stick. If you were watching where you were going, he wouldn't of caught us." The other orange haired male said.

[name] looked between the twins known as Hikaru and Kaoru. Other members of the host club. "Why are you following me home?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

Kaoru started, "well, we heard you had a motorbike - "

Hikaru finished, "and we were hoping you would take us for a ride on it. We've never been on a motorbike before."

"And every time we ask if we can come over, you say no. We thought if he just showed up, you'd have no choice but to hang out with us." Kaoru said before linking his hands and putting them under his chin. "Please."

Hikaru copied the action and he found himself, staring at the pleading twins with conflict, having no idea how he was going to get himself out of this one.

He cleared his throat and nodded his head, "yeah, okay. Just, um, follow me." What am I going to do?! He thought as they started to follow him again. They are going to find out I lied. Will they kick me out of the club? He lifted his hand, going to bite his nails but stopped himself, taking a deep breath and shoving his hands in his leather jacket pockets.

"This is where you live?" Hikaru questioned as they came to a stop outside of a normal looking house, with a white picket fence and garden out the front.

"We expected more of a... badass house. Like black paint and graffiti." Kaoru said with a shrug. "But this is cool to... I guess."

He gulped nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, um, I'm full of surprises." He laughed humourlessly. "Just wait out here and... I'll go get the bike." He ran forward into his house, shutting the door before they could get a look inside.

He moved around quickly, hands going to his hair and tugging in frustration. He went to the garage, seeing his bicycle leaning against the wall. His shoulders slumped and he went over to it.

"Maybe they won't hate me to much." He sighed, grabbing onto the bike and wheeling it over to the garage door before opening it. It slowly moved upwards and soon he was face to face with the twins. "Um, here it is!"

They looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows before Kaoru commented, "you know that's not a motorbike, right?"

[name] gasped in fake confusion, "are you sure? I swear this is a motorbike."

"No, no, it is not." Hikaru crossed his arms. "What's going on, [name]? Why did you lie?"

He frowned, gripping onto the handle bars of the bike. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I've been putting on an act since I met you. I'm not this bad boy. I'm the opposite. I just acted that way because it was the only way you would let me in the club. I just wanted friends." He took off his leather jacket and put it to the side.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events." Hikaru said.

"Yeah, we definitely weren't expecting that." Kaoru said.

[name] looked at them hesitantly. "You don't want to be my friend anymore, do you?" He asked, looking between them.

"We don't appreciate being lied to but we're not going to stop being friends with you, idiot." Kaoru punched him in the arm. "But now I feel like I hardly know you."

"I won't lie to you ever again. I promise. From now on, you will know everything about me." He said excitedly.

"It seems like we have a lot of catching up to do then." Hikaru said. "Take me for a ride on your bike and we can talk."

"Why do you get to go first? I should go first." Kaoru snapped, both of them grabbing onto the handle bars and tugging the bike between them. "I was the one that liked him first, so I should get to know the real him first."

"That's not fair! I know I started liking him before you did. I should go first."

"Did you just say you liked me?" The twins stopped their tugging and looked at him with blushes on their cheeks. "No... you like the bad boy me, right?"

Kaoru pushed Hikaru to the side and stood in front of him. "I like you, bad boy or not."

Hikaru came up from the side and pushed Kaoru. "But I like you more." They went back to arguing and all [name] could do was stand there and watch.

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Authors Note: See below!

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