★ | 134. protective, pretty little liars

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 134: Protective, Pretty Little Liars
Word Count: 1103

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 134: Protective, Pretty Little LiarsWord Count: 1103

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[name] had always been a pretty soft guy. Never speaking loudly or making himself the centre of attention. He was very shy and would prefer to stay at home and read compared to going out to a party. He honestly had no idea how he got the most popular girl in school, Hanna Marin to be his girlfriend.

"Have you got everything sweetie?" His mum asked, walking over to him and fixing up his hair.

"Mum." He whined and swatted her hands away. "Stop." He ran his hands back through his hair. Hanna liked it when he made it a bit messier.

"But it looks like you just got out of bed. Let me..." She tried to reach for him again but he ducked out of the way and made for the door. "[name]! Get back here!"

"Sorry mum, I'm going to be late for school." He ran out the door and towards his car, jumping in and starting it up straight away. It wouldn't surprise him if she came running after him so he wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

He drove away putting some songs on to fill the silence. He arrived at school and hopped out of the car, adjusting his glasses as he walked inside. First things first, locker.

He hummed a quiet tone as he did his locker combination and opened it, getting out his books for class. He jumped in shock when someone banged the locker next to him and he looked over, seeing Noel staring at him with a glare. Anyone but this guy...

Noel hated him and was always finding a new insult to throw at him everyday. "Hi, Noel. How has your day been?" He asked politely.

Noel narrowed his eyes and put his hand on [name]'s locker, slamming it shut. "I hate how nice you are."

[name] had moved his fingers just in time and breathed a sigh of relief. That would have hurt. "I'm sorry." He apologised.

The wasn't the right thing to do. Noel growled in anger and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him close. "Listen here you fucking loser if you don't..." A glance behind [name] had Noel quickly releasing the boy and patting down his shirt. "Sorry about that. You had something on your shirt."

Hanna stepped in front of her boyfriend. "Next time he has something on his shirt, tell him. Don't touch him." Her blue eyes narrowed in an icy glare.

"Right, yeah. I'll do that." Noel turned around and rushed off.

[name] sighed and opened his locker again to finish what he was doing. "I'm glad I'm never on the receiving end of that look." He shivered, putting the books in his side bag and closing his locker.

Hanna smiled at him. "That's because you're to sweet." She leaned up and kissed him. "Good morning."

He returned the kiss. "Good morning." He interlocked their hands and they made their way down the hallway. "Did you want to come over tonight? My mum is making that chicken you like so much and rented the jungle book."

"What is it with you and that movie?" She asked.

"Um, how could you not love that movie? It was my dream as a kid to live in the wild and talk to the animals. Though I could do without the tiger coming to eat me." They walked into their classrooms and took their seats. "Please." He begged.

"Fine but only if I can bring one of my movies and we watch it right after."

"You drive a hard bargain." He teased and held out his hand for her. "Deal."

She shook his head and the class began.

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When lunch rolled around, [name] went to the bathroom. After he finished peeing he went to the sink and washed his hands, humming again.

"Do you ever shut up." Noel snarled, walking into the bathroom with two of his friends.

The humming instantly stopped and [name] held back a groan. Could he go anywhere without these buffoons trying to find him. "What would you three gentleman like?"

"I'd like to bash your face in." Drew shouted, punching his fist into his hand with a glare on his eyes.

"Oh? You seem to say that a lot yet my skin had never been bruised by you." [name] took the paper towel and dried his hands, looking at them through his glasses. They all looked red with anger.

"Yeah, well. You'r e little girlfriend isn't here to protect you now. You're just a coward without her. A weak piece of shit." Noel laughed and high fived his friends.

"You clearly don't know Hanna. If I'm in here for too long, she'll come looking for me and she'll walk right through that door. She doesn't care if it's the boys bathroom."

"But what if you're taking a dump?" Noel's other friend Martin asked with confusion.

"I'll tell her when she walks in." [name] replied. Him and Hanna had never been one of those couples to be embarrassed by farts or shits. Though by looking at the three in front of him, he had a feeling if any of their girlfriends were as open as that, they would probably dump them.

The kind of guys who wanted their girlfriends to wear make up twenty four seven and didn't have normal human functions. [name] felt bad for them.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I have to go." He took a step forward but so did they and he halted.

"You're not going anywhere until you're black and blue." Noel threatened him.

"If you even think about touching him I'll make sure you can never have children." Hanna threatened, the door closing behind her.

"He wasn't joking. She really does come find him." Martin whispered to Drew.

"See you later." [name] waved at them as he moved past. Noel gave him a look that could kill. His pace moved faster now. He better not push his luck. "You're always protecting me." He grinned at Hanna.

"Because you always need to be protected." Hanna replied. She grabbed his hand and pulled him so they could walk closer together. "But I'm serious when I say if those guys ever hurt you, their bodies will never be found."

He gave her forehead a kiss. "Cool." He replied. He was never worried he was going to be hurt or scared because he knew Hanna would always be by his side to protect him.

She really was the most awesome girlfriend he could have ever asked for.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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