chapter 13

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3 months later
I got up I said "I'm so tired."

Kareem and Kaleya were coming over for a play date. I got Amina up and bathed. I put her in a grey champion sweater and matching pants with some socks. I gave her some cereal mixed with milk. She was tired as hell. I put her in the playpen in my room while I showered. I showered then lotioned up I went into my closet and put on a white tank top, grey shorts, and white socks. My hair was in a 30 inch ponytail. I heard a knock so I picked my baby up and went downstairs. She was holding the bottle eating. Kareem said "look at my girls."

I smiled and said "heyyy, fat girl is tired right now."

He said "so is Kaylea. Might as well let em take a nap."

I said "we can put them in the playpen in the living room."

We put them in there and they were both on backrests. I said "does she need a bottle?"

He said "if you got one made already."

I went into the kitchen and took the bottle out the bottle warmer. I gave it to Kaylea. I said "here mama."

Mi was knocked out with the bottle near her face. He said "baby is milk drunk."

I laughed and said "puts emm out everytime." She was drinking her bottle rubbing her ear and fell asleep.

I said "you hungry? I need to eat something."

He said "yes ma'am."

He came into the kitchen and I was making us food. I said "is grilled cheese and tomato soup ok? I don't feel like making too much."

He said "yeah, that's cool."

I made them really quickly and we sat at the table eating.

I said "you hot? Thats why I got shorts on idk how you got the hoodie on

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I said "you hot? Thats why I got shorts on idk how you got the hoodie on."

He said "yeah Im a take it off after eating."

I said "oh aight."

He said "how you been tho ma?"

I said "we doing good. Amir came and saw her a couple days ago, took her to a baby playground."

He said "that's good, he's making an effort."

I said "yeah, I guess. How you been tho?"

He said "we been good, Kay just been asking for dd and mimi."

I laughed and said "aww my girl."

He said "I wanted to ask you something but if you not with it it's alright."

I said "wassup."

He said "you wanna go to the bar later? Just chill and drink a little."

I smiled and said "aww Kareem. Is this your way of asking me on a date?"

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