17 ~ A Bit of A Seizure

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This is literally such a horrible chapter I'm so sorry.


Normal P.O.V.

"There! I'm done" you say in a monotone, yet relieved voice, placing your gluestick down on the desk in front of you and glancing over your project for the last time.

Sowon placed her bag that she had just finished packing on the bed. "And I'm finished packing" she smiled. "Do you want me to wait for you and we can leave together?" She asked politely as you swiveled around on your chair.

"It's fine, you can go on ahead with Chaerin" you answered knowing she wouldn't want to wait up for you, she was just too polite to say so. "Thanks though"

She nodded with a bright grin. "No problem"

She looked up at you hesitantly. "You will go home right? You're not gonna stay here" she spoke up timidly. "Because you know they're gonna turn off the heating, you'll freeze. They're also turning off the gas for the stoves so you can't cook anything" she informed. "And I doubt you want microwave meals for your Christmas dinner" she informed.

You were reconsidering not even going back to your home area for the break because what's the point? You'd be alone there and here so at least if you stay here you don't have to go through the effort of packing a bag and traveling.

But after what Sowon told you, you decided to go against it. You didnt want to freeze to death.

"Yeah, you're right" you reply meekly.

"Good, I'd hate to see you waste your break because you're wallowing alone in bed" she admits.

"Thank you for caring So" you smiled gently.

"No problem gal" she winked before taking her duffel bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

She came over to you and grabbed your elbows and pulled you up to a standing position.

She then pulled you into a big, squeezy hug. "You're doing so good, I'm really proud. I know this isn't easy for you" she whispered and rubbed your back in soothing circles.

"Thanks So" you said awkwardly being touchy with that subject and all.

"Okay I'm going to go now and I'll see you when we are back I guess" she said, grabbing her bags, which you offered to help her with but she declined, and she gave a little wave goodbye before closing the dorm door without her.

You plopped yourself down on the bed and sighed deeply. You rubbed your eyes as they were feeling sleepy, and the soft comfort of your mattress didn't help.

"If I don't get up now, I'll fall asleep and won't get my project in" You said trying to give yourself a reason to rise from your bed.

After a few minutes of hyping yourself to get your ass off the mattress, you got up and you instantly felt the blood rush to your head. It took you a few moments to gain balance and once you did, you wished you were back on the bed again.

You shook your head none the less and picked up the project in your hands, ready to bring it to the main building called "college court" to submit it. You put on your coat and opened your dorm door.

You hesitantly checked down the hall to make sure you know who wasn't around anywhere.

The coast was clear.

You continued to make your way downstairs. You took the stairs and not the elevator because if you're on the stairs you can just zoom past certain people, whereas in the elevator you're stuck in a confined space with said certain people.

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