Chapter 3

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You taught me that love can be an amazing and beautiful thing

But you also taught me that love will keep you up till midnight crying softly to yourself, wondering how much more pain someone can endure- sjf.

 Geneviève's POV.

An electric tension settled between us from that statement as we were taken back in time for a brief moment before his mouth formed into a sneer and he abruptly released me as though scorned.

"You have no right." I stated unevenly as I lost the battle of will and fresh tears came scalding down my cheeks.

"I have no right?" He questioned in a humorless tone momentarily looking taken aback, "You are standing in my office, in my building and on my street. How much more rights does a man need?" He questioned rhetorically as his eyes trailed down my burning body.

Before I realized what I was about to do, my palm instantly connected with the side of his chiseled jaw as the loud slap resonated throughout the quiet room. Green furious eyes sparkled with violent rage as he whipped his head up freezing me to the core as a silent gasp escaped my throat.

"I...I..." I stuttered suddenly trembling as he roughly pulled me up against the hard muscled contour of his body once again bristling in pure fury as his eyes stabbed daggers towards me. Almost face to face, my feet were barely touching the marbled floor as his strong arms gripped me firmly. His sculpted nose flared as though he was having an internal battle reining his temper in as our lips hovered closer together.

"Get out of my office." He whispered softly as his minty breath fanned across my shaking lips. I was not one to be easily fooled and could not have mistaken his soft voice for anything other than an ill-concealed threat.

Sharply releasing his hold on me once again, I swallowed the huge lump forming in my throat as silence built the distance.

Unhurriedly he placed his hands into his pockets as his unwavering glare met my tear soaked face head on while he took out my cellphone and blindly made a call...

"Jack can you please come up, we have a breach in security and I would like her escorted out before I lose my temper and phone the police." He stated into the receiver regarding me with a chilling look, "Or do much worst." He threatened.

My eyes widened at his abrupt words as he ended the call and coolly returned to his position atop the desk in that calm efficient manner that he held.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned as pain lanced through me.

His only response was a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders just as the door opened and his head of security entered. Shock registered briefly on his usual stoic face as he glanced at us both for a hesitant moment before an un-worded response passed between them.

"I apologize Ms. Geneviève but you are going to have to come with me." Jack said with a tinge of regret as he held out his burly arm to me. With a final glance at his passive cold face, I accepted Jack's arm as silent tears poured down my face as I exited the building keeping no mind of the curious faces of employees who looked on at the scene.

"Get in." Jack said as kindly as he could have as we stood on the pavement baring the cold English weather while he held the door opened to the luxurious SUV.

Glancing at him for a moment we both knew my fight was long over as the cold wind numbed my aching face. As he shut the door and jumped into the driver's seat, the car took a life of its own as it sped through the traffic of the busy London street packed with pedestrians making the most of the holiday season and tourists admiring the décor that was being put up on the buildings. Heat blasted through the vent but I paid attention to no other detail as my mind kept replaying the recent scene. Jack as usual attempted to make no further conversation other than pleasantries and for that I was grateful as it allowed me to wallow in the depths of self-depreciation that I had rightfully deserved.

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