Chapter 14

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It was never the way she looked always the way she was I could have fallen in love with her with my eyes closed- Atticus.

 Geneviève's POV.

Not a long time after Dillon had left; I lazily made my way from the comfort of the warm bed as I stepped into the en-suite immediately trapped around the invading scent of his rich soap coupled together with his cologne. A smile made its way to my face as I immediately took notice of the spare tooth brush that he had taken out and placed atop the vanity as I glanced around the equally opulent room in awe of the spacing. The breathtaking view of the city below commanded attention as I could have only imagined what it would have looked like at night with the bathtub seated against the window offering the perfect view of the beautiful city as it tempted me to step in and have a warm soak. A plush velvet light grey chair took its place close by directly opposite the granite countertop vanity that I had sat atop the previous night. A giggle caught in my throat as I briefly remembered Dillon's frustration with the hair dryer. 

Shortly after brushing my teeth, I stepped into the glass shower stall as similar to the one in the guest room as I quickly washed myself before towel drying and stepping back into the bedroom rummaging through my suitcase wrinkling my nose at the...

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Shortly after brushing my teeth, I stepped into the glass shower stall as similar to the one in the guest room as I quickly washed myself before towel drying and stepping back into the bedroom rummaging through my suitcase wrinkling my nose at the scattered pieces of clothing I had carelessly and hurriedly thrown in. Settling for a pair of warm yoga pants and a well-worn tank top, I finger brushed my hair, tying it into a high ponytail before making my way back onto the middle of the bed, crossed-legged as I grabbed my laptop and got to work. Completely emerged in the task on hand, my fingers typed furiously across the keys as I balanced my cellphone against my ear, propping it with my shoulder as I listened to my financial advisor on the other end of the line...

"I'm sorry Geneviève but this is the final figure." Calvin replied regretfully, "I don't think the gala will happen."

Sighing heavily against the phone, a sudden weight settled onto my chest, "Is no one willing to sponsor?" I asked again for the third time.

"No." He answered mirroring my mood, "The news of your father got around and no one is willing to be partaking no matter how good of a cause it is."

"Then we will just have to find another way..." I stated attempting to sound jovial.

"But how can we?" He asked as I heard the typing of keys in the background, "We need to raise at least two million dollars to cover the cost of the new center as well as an extra amount to pay contractors. Then we will need the finances to actually foot the bill for the gala as well covering the necessities of food, drinks, entertainment and auction pieces. We have an estimated cost in total of five million dollars!" He exclaimed as I pictured him tugging at his dark hair anxiously.

"And how much do we have now?" I asked nervously as I internally winced upon hearing the figure.

"I don't think there's much we can do." He remarked wearily.

"I promised the kids a new bigger and better center and I will give it to them!" I vowed, "This will be there home, a place of safety for so many children within the city and out, I will ensure they have the best. Call the architect and inform her to go ahead with the plans for the library and basketball court. We should also have enough land for a field and maybe some bleachers along the sidelines. There should be enough bedrooms and bathrooms as well as keeping the top floor vacant in the event we get older kids in the years to come by. The nursery should be on the ground floor with an adjoining room to the caretakers. This project will happen Cal." I said with as much hope as I could have mustered, "It has to, for my grandmother's sake."

"Then I guess we have a party to plan." He replied optimistically.

"You really think that we can pull this off?" I questioned internally hopeful despite the nerves.

"If there's anyone who can do it Geneviève, it's you." Calvin said with a short laugh.

"No Cal." I began finally believing in my words, "We can."

"You know you love me." He joked wholeheartedly.

Rolling my eyes at his infectious nature, I laughed back, "You're a good friend Cal."

Ignoring the tone change in his voice, he carried on in a weary sigh, "How long are you staying in England?"

"I...I'm not quite sure, maybe for a couple weeks." I murmured immediately feeling tears sting my eyes as I remembered Dillon's proposal.

"I'll miss you." Calvin replied after an extended pause, "I hope that you get your work completed before Christmas."

After chatting for a few more minutes, the unmistakable growl of my stomach interrupted serving as a late breakfast reminder. Quickly ending the call, I made my way down into his state of the art kitchen, awe-struck once again by the picture perfect image. Glancing at the contents within the refrigerator, I pulled out the necessary ingredients deciding on an omelet as I made quick work around his kitchen which was a dream to work in. Downing the scalding hot coffee and meal, I bounded my way back into the bedroom all the while heavily thinking about the foundation. Doubts began seeping in as I scrolled through the e-mails completely unaware of the time until the opening of the bedroom door caused me to jump in fright.

"I didn't mean to scare you angel." Dillon said with a wry smile as he came forward, "I did knock."

My heart leapt forward at the mere sight of him as he strolled in pausing to place his suit jacket at the end of the bed before making his way over to me.

"That's okay." I replied softly as the ever present warmth filled my cheeks whenever he was around, "How was your meeting?"

Rolling his eyes, I giggled as he sat down immediately pulling me closer to him, "Long, boring." He muttered.

"Those are two adjectives that should never go together." I replied as he placed a tender kiss against my neck.

"I should have been home earlier." He replied against my skin as my body instantly responded, "How did your morning go?"

"Pretty much the same." I answered back as I powered the laptop off placing it onto the side table before turning to face him as he used the opportunity to place a heated kiss against my lips. Pulling back a fraction, our eyes locked as his green orbs threatened to peer into the depths of my soul as his pink tongue darted out licking his bottom lip distractingly. Following the motion with my eyes, I bit my lip as his finger slowly swept over the skin before moving to cup my jaw as his thumb seductively stroked right below my ear...

"You look exquisite." He whispered, his minty breath fanning my face from our closeness as his other hand tugged at my ponytail, "So the old you."

Self-consciously, I glanced down at my baggy pants, internally grimacing as my eyes fluttered back to his which shone back at me with lust and something...something that he use to stare at me with in the past.

"Angel." He murmured, "Don't do that...don't let the self-doubt trickle into your beautiful mind. I will never lie to you, please believe me when I say that you are absolutely stunning...inside and out."

An overwhelming amount of emotion took hold of me as my heart expanded looking into his soft eyes. As much as I willed myself to look away for fear he may see my love shinning through I could not.

It was so very easy to fall in love with countless times again, my heart bared no protection.

A/N: UPDATE !!!! Isn't Dillon an absolute sweetheart ? Being quarantined with someone like him wouldn't be half as bad would it ? ;) 

Be sure to vote, comment and check out 'THE BILLIONAIRE' ULTIMATUM' 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S MATCH' and 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ARRANGED WIFE' available on my page.   

Till the next update my safe

oxoxox...Allison :) 

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