Chapter 4

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Time will reveal whose loss it truly was- Gisselle Gullianna.

Geneviève's POV.

"But then again, money is the only language you understand don't you?" He snidely spat as he strode into the room suddenly confining the large space with his presence I found it difficult to breathe.

From my peripheral vision I saw Jack discreetly exited as the never ending tension built momentum.

"Excuse me." I said to his imposing form as he regarded me with evident disgust. Before I got to the door, making my way to exit, his firm grip shot out capturing my arm as he roughly pulled me against his toned body.

"Did you have me brought here to insult me some more?" I questioned, finding my voice as I openly stared into the eyes I was once so fond of.

In that moment, I knew if I wasn't looking so closely into the deep orbs of green, the minor flinch would have gone unnoticed.

"Are you saying my assessment was wrong then?" He countered back as the steely glint returned.

Swallowing the lump past my throat, I blinked the fresh wave of tears away as I looked into his cold eyes, "I thought you knew me better than that."

"You thought wrong then angel." He replied suddenly releasing me as I rocked back, "It seems as though I do not know you at all."

Feeling as though a rock had settled atop my chest, I internally calmed myself as I looked into his devastatingly handsome face, "I am sorry...for everything."

"Sorry?" He stated as though the word was unfamiliar to his tongue.

Nodding I peered at him through blurred eyes as the long ago pain not nearly quite buried resurfaced.

"Don't be." He unexpectedly said before striding towards the wet bar and pouring himself a heavy drink.

"But I am." I said earnestly feeling the ache expand in my chest as he downed the drink before refilling the glass once again.

"Care for one?" He almost lazily questioned as he sipped the golden liquid this time.

"No thank you." I murmured as we stood there staring at the other as though we were no less than strangers.

"What exactly are you sorry about?" He suddenly asked breaking the tense silence as he placed down the now empty tumbler.

"I am sorry I hurt you. I never wanted to break your heart because..." I began saying until he cut me off.

"Rest assured Geneviève" He interrupted clearly amused, "You did not break my heart." Before he turned serious once again, "It never belonged to you in the first place. Then again why would it? You were nothing more than a teenage summer fling that became extended before I returned back home."

"Because I ended up breaking my own one instead." I heard myself saying as I completed my sentence before he had cut me off.

The deafening silence that followed filled the penthouse suite as my heart, barely repaired shattered once again, it was a wonder he had not heard the audible crack.

"You are the only one to blame for your pain angel." He said as he emptied the whiskey bottle downing a next drink.

"I really did love you Dillon." I murmured choked with emotion as fat tears leaked from my eyes, "It was wrong of my father to..."

"Your father." He seethed slamming down his glass as he regarded me in lethal fury, "It all comes back to him doesn't it? He did not make you do anything you didn't want to do in the first place. You could have said no, so maybe for once try shifting the blame onto yourself. I wouldn't be the first to admit that he is completely despicable but you have proven that you are not very far behind."

"I'm sorry." I whispered through my clogged throat.

"Don't stand there and lie to my face angel. It does not suit you. We both know the reason you did it. After all you were so desperate for his attention, you would have walked on hot coals if he had only suggested. Not even asked. Doesn't that say something? You got what you wanted; I only hope daddy's five minutes of attention was worth it."

A deafening pregnant pause stilled the breath in my lungs he as coolly assessed me, a façade to the rising temper that lay beneath his direct gaze as he continued on, "And was it? Or would you stand there and tell me that I'm wrong once again?" He questioned as he indolently leaned against the polished counters settling dark green sinister eyes onto me.

"I..." I began saying as I fought for the words to come out.

"Think carefully about your answer." He advised, "Can't you see that he uses you as bait? Do you honestly believe he does not know that you are here?"

"You do not know him like I do." I stated though my throat burned as the truth stared at me in the face.

Shuffling around in the pockets of his suit pants, he pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number before he placed the call on speaker and set it against the counter. His burning eyes gripped me in a hold as the call went through ringing once, twice, before it was finally answered...


Speak he mouthed to me as he signaled me to come forward.

Somehow my heavy legs moved as my mother repeated her-self on the awaiting line...

"Mother." I replied.

"Geneviève!" She exclaimed sounding thrilled for the first time to hear me on the other end of a call, "Your father has been anticipating your call."

"Is he close by?" I asked.

"He's right here, let me hand you over to him." She said after the phone was transferred.

"My darling, how are you?" My father questioned surprisingly upbeat.

"I...I'm fine." I stated after a moment finding the will to look away from Dillon's impassive face which belied his antagonism.

"And I will be to, very soon." He replied as I heard the familiar clinking of the crystal bottle in the background.

"I...I am in London." I said into the receiver.

"I know." He stated matter-of-factly, "You are my daughter after all Geneviève, I knew you would get the papers back."

"You knew?" I said in shock as my head whipped up to Dillon who continued to be an expressionless witness.

"Of course I knew." He replied in high spirits, "Did you get the papers from the boy?"

A sudden surge of anger gripped my veins, "He has a name father."

"Forgive me darling, but did you get it? You know how important it is that we get the company back don't you?" He went on saying as I risked a glance as Dillon who bristled with fury beside me.

"I did not." I snapped as a sense of betrayal overtook me, "He almost sent me to jail father."

"Don't be so dramatic darling, you're a woman, and he's only a man, use that to your advantage. I told your mother Stella should have went instead." He ended on an exasperated sigh.

As though he had enough, Dillon snatched the cellphone and ended the call before wordlessly pouring me a drink.

"Please return the company to me." I pleaded.

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020! I wish you all the best this coming year. Here's to our ever growing family. I thank you all for the ongoing support and love I have received. May this year be the best one yet filled with nothing but success and love. 

To us single gals, may we find our own version of Dillon this year ;) 

As always vote, comment and be sure to check out 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ULTIMATUM' 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S MATCH' and 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ARRANGED WIFE' available on my page. 

New Year wishes...

oxoxox...Allison :) 

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