Chapter 13

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I want you to be the one I stay in bed with on a Sunday morning, and never want to leave. - Mark Anthony.

Geneviève's POV.

Ignoring the shifting of my soaked underwear and wet thighs, I placed my head against the cloud white soft pillows as I finally looked around the massive bedroom. It was without a doubt completely masculine as the midnight blue color scheme penetrated throughout the opulent room. The bed was the focal point however, being large enough to comfortably fit four persons yet Dillon had wrapped around me as though we had spent the night on a single mattress. On either side, laid a small brown wooden table that housed twin lamps completed with a beautiful white vase. On Dillon's side, I noticed that he had a small alarm clock alerting me that it was a few minutes past 9 a.m. as well as his watch and wallet and a small picture frame of four smiling teenage boys. Leaning over, I carefully picked up the glass frame, afraid to let it go as I looked at the familiar faces of the much younger but handsome men. My eyes immediately noticed the green eyed charmer, as always with that mischievous smile playing across his lips as he stood in the middle with his arms around his friends grinning endearingly at the camera. The vision of a miniature version with bright sea green eyes and dirty blond hair flashed across my mind before I quelled the thought away. An odd smile made its way to my face as I looked at his items neatly placed around the room. To the front of the bed, sat against the window that offered the skyline view of the city as well as a direct view to his office building across town, a small black iron table took its placing with an ornate glass covering housing a remote of some kind that must have been for the heavy drapes that blocked out most of the city and the gloomy sky as it remained partially opened. Twin blue low slung sofas rested on either side; though I was doubtful he ever sat in one of those but it had fitted perfectly with the interior decor. The plush carpet around the bed, slightly darker in color sat around the bed as the high ceiling as similar to the living room dotted around with the same fanciful lights illuminated the room. The pristine marble flooring led across the room into the en-suite that had an adjoined bath and walk-in closet that I had glimpsed the previous night with the ever present theme in touch. While my gaze continued to linger about the magazine like room, Dillon emerged from the en-suite sauntering towards the bed as my toes curled inwardly. He really was the most breath-taking man I had ever seen. Donned in a navy blue suit no doubt tailored and suited to custom fit by Armani's best, he looked every inch the Englishman that he was as he lazily buttoned his suit jacket adjusting his inner waist coat. His powder white shirt looked crisp and neat against his tanned throat stretching across his hardened chest. Opting to not wear a tie, he looked devilish enough; it was tempting to get lost in him again. With a small white handkerchief tucked neatly into his breast pocket, and upon closer look, bared his initials embroidered in gold threading, he looked more like a model than the magnate CEO.

"Are you finished ogling me angel?" He smirked appearing in front of me.

Blushing profusely I looked away as I noticed his watch and wallet at my side. Taking it up, I handed it over to him as he graciously accepted it, tucking the wallet away as he placed his wrist out for me to put the watch on.

"Thank you." He murmured offering me a wink as he made a 'come here' motion with his hand. Removing the duvet, I adjusted his t-shirt as he sat to the side of the bed. Immediately he pulled me into his lap as he gripped my chin placing a tender kiss against my lips. The fresh mint washed over my face as his lips lingered for a moment longer before he pulled away.

"I have a very important meeting this morning that cannot be missed." He offered as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"I understand." I replied adjusting the collar of his shirt.

"I don't." He murmured nuzzling my ear as he squeezed my thigh, "I wish I could stay in bed with you...all day." He continued on hoarsely.

Swallowing the moan that threatened to escape, I willed myself to form a coherent sentence as I tilted my head to give him better access, "You should go, I'll be alright." I responded finding my voice, "What time is the meeting?"

"10." He replied on a lust filled voice as he placed open kisses to my neck. Abruptly I pulled back staring at him in bewilderment.

"10!" I exclaimed looking at his watch, "That's a few minutes away!"

Grinning mischievously he arrogantly stated, "I am the boss baby, they can wait however long I want them to."

Rolling my eyes, I attempted to remove myself as he held me tighter against him.

"Just a few more minutes." He grinned with a persuasive expression.

"Dillon!" I said.

"Geneviève." He replied, "Are we back to this?"

"Yes we are." I stated gripping his shoulders as I brushed of an imaginary piece of lint, "I also have work to do you know." I said haughtily.

"Do you now?" He murmured as his eyes lit up with laughter, I could have stared into them forever.

"I do." I confirmed, "I have my laptop with me and a very busy schedule to get caught up with."

"Are you putting me out?" He laughed.

"See it as you please." I answered grinning back as I gained the confidence and pressed a soft kiss against his lips.

"Then I will go." He replied placing a kiss against my nose before sobering down and gaining a serious expression, "The number to my cellphone, my office and my assistant are all written for you, I placed it by the vanity. Jack's personal number is there as well should you so need him; you will call him if you need to step out. Downstairs, the kitchen is supposedly stocked but you can order room service if you please. My meeting should not be very long." He offered, "I'll get back as soon as I can."

With an exasperated sigh, he pulled me impossibly closer, placing a sweet kiss to my lips before unwillingly letting me go.

"Dillon..." I called out unable to stop myself as he was about to walk through the door.

"I...I'll see you soon." I said as the hidden I'll miss you lingered between the lines.

A soft smile kissed his eyes as he paused for a brief moment looking at me as though he understood what I was about to say.

"And I you angel." He replied before softly shutting the door close. 

A/N: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MAMA'S !!! Whether it may be your animal, your babies or your self that you take care of, I wish you all a wonderful day. Despite the situation we are in, I sincerely hope you enjoy it all. I can't wait to hear what you think of this chapter. As always, VOTE, COMMENT and be sure to check out 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ULTIMATUM' 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S MATCH' and 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ARRANGED WIFE' available on my page. 

See you soon...

oxoxox...Allison :) 

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