Chapter 15

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Do you have your holy water on hand ? ;) 

Take her like it's the first time and the last time every single time- JmStorm.

Geneviève's POV.

"Come here." He urged gently, taking my hand as he stood up leading us both into the en-suite until we stopped in front the full length mirror. Standing behind me, he placed his hands onto my exposed waist as my skin burnt under his touch.

"Do you see that?" He whispered erotically against my ear.

Standing back against his powerful frame, I looked on at my reflection. My usually pale skin glowed and my blush had spread to my cheeks offering it a rosy, dewy look. My eyes sparkled as it met his burning patient green orbs and my pink lips appeared full and round from his kisses. Under the lighting, my usually dull brown hair looked like rich melted chocolate. I looked...beautiful.

"You are beautiful Geneviève." He said in a voice akin to reverence as though silently reading my thoughts, "You are are intelligent...I am in awe of you." He continued on looking at me deeply through the mirror, "Do you see what I see?" He questioned.

Looking back at my appearance, I stared at the woman in front of me. There was no longer an insecure young girl facing me but a mature woman who suddenly believed in herself.

"I do." I answered back with confidence as his eyes softened, a small smile tugging at his pink mouth. Turning in his arms, my front pressed up against the stiffening bulge of his pants as he made no movement apart from lightly gripping my waist. His sea green eyes darkened to an almost moss color as the muscle in his jaw ticked belying his restraint. Gripping his forearm with one hand to steady myself, the other glided across the exposed column of his throat as his Adam's apple bobbed.

"Dillon." I whispered finding my voice.

"Yes angel." He replied hoarsely as though he had difficulty speaking.

"I want you to kiss me." I said looking at him as he hold tightened around my waist.

"I can't do that." He answered as my face fell before he quickly continued, "Because I won't be able to stop at just a kiss this time."

"I don't want you to." I replied truthfully.

Not wasting a second further, his mouth crashed against mine kissing me with the pent up frustration the years between us had stolen. His lips demanded a response I was all too willing to give as his expert tongue swiped at my bottom lip seeking entrance. Sucking, tugging and licking his way around my mouth, his arms drifted lower, cupping my derrière as he dragged me up against his body until I was standing on my toes. Wasting no time, he picked me up; automatically I cinched my legs around his hip as my fingers wounded around his neck. Never losing contact from my mouth, he slowly walked us back into the bedroom as I felt the mattress dip against my back. Standing up to his full height, he tugged off his shirt, not caring as buttons flew across the room as he kicked off his leather shoes and socked clad feet all the while my eyes never left his. Sitting up, I removed my flimsy tank top, grateful to go without a bra as his eyes traveled down to my heavy globes aching for his attention. Looming over me, his muscles bunched as he placed each arm against my sides.

"Tell me." He said roughly, mere centimeters from my face, "Tell me what you want?"

Desire swept through me as I gazed deeply into his mesmerizing eyes, "You..." I replied bravely, "I want you."

A low growl emanated from within his chest as his eyes blazed with a variety of emotions that I had never seen before. Slowly, almost tenderly, he brought his mouth back to mine as he passionately kissed me lowering me back against the soft sheets. Wounding my legs around his waist, I pulled him down atop me as his hands trailed a burning part downwards cupping my naked breasts as his fingers pulled and tugged tweaking at my nipple. His mouth descended, his tongue leaving a wet trail along my neck as he nipped and sucked his way down until his expert mouth flicked against the hardened buds of my nipples. Crying out, I gripped onto his hair as the pleasurable ache burned between my thighs. Making his way lower, he left a trail of kisses against my stomach, pausing as he bit the skin atop my bellybutton as his eyes flickered up to mine mischievously. Almost leisurely, he continued his part downwards torturing me as my body begged for release. Gently tugging my pants and panties downwards, he made quick work of them as he settled between my legs. Keeping his burning eyes trained on mine, his hands spread my legs farther apart as his pink tongue darted out unhurriedly licking against me. A whimper escaped my throat as I felt the leaking moisture drip from within me as he kept up his assault torturously at a relaxed pace.

"Please!" I begged trashing about the bed as my legs began to tremble.

Smiling triumphantly against my wet skin, he removed his face, slick with my response for a mere second as his hold on my legs inexorably tightened hard enough to bruise before he delved back in again going directly for my clitoris. Sucking the bud almost violently into his mouth, his teeth nipped, dragging over the pink skin as his mouth worked wonders that had me screaming into the room a few seconds later. My orgasm crashed into me on a heavy wave as my legs shook uncontrollably all the while his dark head remained between my legs drinking me in like a man quenching his thirst.

"Good?" He questioned hoarsely against the sensitive skin, his warm breath causing me to squirm. All I could have done was nodded back in response as I was yet to find my voice again.

Removing himself from between my legs, he swung of the bed, quickly tugging the remainder of his clothes of as his sheer masculinity jotted out proudly, as large and looming as the man himself. Swallowing, I glanced at his powerful manhood as he settled between my legs holding him-self up as he interlaced his fingers through mine. Not a word was said. Not a word was needed to be said, our eyes spoke for it-self as our gazes clashed. Capturing my lips in a fierce kiss, he slowly made love to my mouth as he entered, his length filling me as I let out a breath against his mouth. His tongue stroked mine, gliding against the contours of my mouth, he moved within me in a gentle, steady pace. It was as though it was the first time all over again. The symbolism of the moment reflected brightly in his eyes as he unlatched his mouth resting his forehead against mine as he made love to me. My nails dug painfully into his back as our hot breaths mingled together.

"Faster!" I pleaded tightening my legs around his waist, I felt my climax within reach as he continued to stroke that spot within me.

"You made me wait...for such a long time angel..." He groaned, "It's time you feel as tortured as I did." He continued on as his forehead dripped with sweat from his slow movement and determined control.

"I...I'm sorry." I cried on just as he hit my inner wall once again.

"Don't be." He whispered back placing an open mouthed kiss against my lips before moving his mouth down to my neck. Sucking harshly enough to leave a mark, he tilted his hips, continuing to hit that sweet spot within me as my hips bucked beneath him, undeterred my orgasm slammed into me harsher than ever before as he followed suit emptying inside me on a low groan. Stars fluttered across my vision as I felt his weight settled atop me. Embracing his sweat slick body, he placed a tender kiss against my cheek before rolling over pulling me flush against him.

"This no sex rule is working out great angel, you should have more." He said hoarsely, his green eyes alight with humor as his hands gripped my thigh dragging it over his leg.

Swatting his hands away, my cheeks burned as he chuckled against my hair.

Snuggling up closer to him, I fell asleep almost instantly.

I love you was my last thought as I drifted off. 

A/N: Hello Hello !!! WHAT A CHAPTER ! I'm a little breathless after reading that, are you? The ending has me laughing so hard, Oh Dillon isn't he a little close to perfect? Can't wait to hear what you guys think. As always, VOTE, COMMENT and be sure to check out 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ULTIMATUM' 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S MATCH'  and 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S ARRANGED WIFE' available on my page. 

Till the next chapter loves and always, be safe...

oxoxox...Allison :)

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