Chapter 8

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I moan in satisfaction to the poetry he fills my body with –M.FireChild.

Geneviève's POV.

 The ride up to the elevator was thankfully short and silent as I desperately tried to regain my composure. Taking a much needed seat, I flopped down less than elegantly onto the sofa as my legs gave out beneath me. The uncontrollable need to sob wracked at me as Dillon furiously typed on his high tech cellphone seemingly choosing to ignore my presence and for once I could not have been more grateful.

Suddenly looking up from the devise, his eyes connected with mine as the strong pull of electric current that always sizzled between us made its appearance. Breaking the trance, he excused himself disappearing up the glass staircase as I remained seated and gave into the sob I desperately needed silently crying uncontrollably as the energy seeped out of my body.

Sometime later, the heavy footsteps were heard in the distance as he descended the staircase. Quickly drying my eyes, he reappeared into my line of vision as he headed into the kitchen sipping from a water bottle before making his way over to me. Silently he took in my current state of distress wisely choosing to remain quiet. After an extended pause he spoke...

"I'll be back sometime during the night. You can order whatever you want from the restaurant downstairs or you can help yourself to whatever there is in the refrigerator."

Nodding, my gaze remained transfixed onto him as I took in his casual appearance. Dressed in a warm navy cashmere sweater and a button up snowy white undershirt that emphasized his bulging biceps completed with a pair of denims that molded to his hard thighs and designer shoes he looked more like a model than an intelligent CEO. His wet hair hung about drying and his strong clean scent coupled together with his cologne invaded my senses as I felt my body once more betraying me.

"Pardon..." I asked as I flushed realizing that he was saying something embarrassed to be caught blatantly staring.

His knowing smirk heated my cheeks as he repeated himself, "Will you be alright?" He asked seriously as his gaze flittered over my tear stained face once again.

"Of course." I murmured.

And with that he turned on his heels and left with a soft click of the lock shutting back into place with the deafening silence loudly penetrating the air.

At a complete lost for time, I rummaged through my handbag in search of my cellphone until I quickly realized that it must have accidently dropped off sometime in Dillon's car during the evening. In an effort to hopefully catch him before he left the building, I dashed through the doors and willed the elevator to go faster typing in the pin I memorized as it took me to his private parking garage. As the doors opened, I frantically sped out already spotting him heading towards a sleek silver Bentley gloriously parked between his favored SUV and a bright red Ferrari that looked exquisite under the lighting.

"Dillon!" I called out hurriedly pacing towards him as he turned around, one hand already on the door of the car with confusion etched across his handsome face, "I'm sorry but I think my cellphone dropped off earlier in your car." I rambled as he stood there gazing at me un-movingly. Calling out his name once again, he slowly blinked as if now hearing words. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

Nodding, he stepped forward easily closing the distance between us as he looked down at me with a gaze I couldn't have fathomed. Unable to break away, I stared right back trailing my eyes across the sweater that stretched across his muscled chest to the now open button of his inner shirt revealing the column along his tan lean neck. His Adam's apple bobbed as I drifted my eyes higher fully appreciating the light stubble that grazed his face surrounding his lush mouth to his haughty aristocrat nose and finally to his deep sea green eyes that sparkled with an emotion open and raw it rivaled that to a hungry lion. It was a searing look I was unaccustomed to. A look that I have not seen since...since the last time he had looked at me like that.

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