Chapter 18

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How do I feel about you?

I'm glad you asked, she whispered.

Now put your hands between my legs and find out for yourself- Michael Faudet.

 Geneviève's POV.

A thin line of annoyance pressed against his pink mouth as his evident displeasure at my words flashed across his face.

"Forgive me Geneviève but I had no idea you would have preferred to freeze to death instead of being warm." He said in an icy tone that perfectly matched the horrid English weather.

Fresh tears glistened my eyes as I kept my gaze unmoving from his cold face. It was as though I was looking at the mighty CEO that sat back in his office leather chair as opposed to the man who thoroughly made love to me.

"You wear your mask so perfectly it's actually amazes me." I bit out through the lump in my throat.

"Do you care to explain that?" He bit out through clenched teeth as the muscle in his jaw ticked from outright irritation belying his contained fury.

"Not really." I bravely replied despite the sudden tremor that whipped through me.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a salesclerk awaiting us with a tight smile on her face as she in-took the growing hostility. Returning a smile of my own, I turned around and headed out the door. Briefly I caught Dillon saying something to her before he easily caught up with me tugging my arm against him. Chest to chest we both breathed heavily at each other in pent up frustration and anger.

"Let me go." I stated softly as his hold irrevocably tightened.

Staring deep into my eyes for a second longer, his hold gradually loosened before his fingers tenderly rubbed at the sore spot through my dress.

"You make me so infuriatingly mad angel." He whispered with a frown to his cold face.

"Good." I whispered back in a soft voice as tears threatened to overflow, "At least I know that you are capable of feeling something towards me."

Losing the battle with my-self, a lone tear spilt over as his thumb immediately caught it. His deep green eyes immediately softened as he took an audible gulp. As his cold hands came up to cup my face, he tenderly pressed a soothing kiss against my forehead as he pulled me close.

"Of course I feel something towards you." He softly said against my skin, "More than you'll ever know." And I knew that if I wasn't listening carefully I would have never heard the last part.

"I don't even know you anymore." I said into the material of his coat but I was positive he heard me as his arms came around in a tight embrace.

"But you do angel, more than anyone else." He replied against my ear. His warm breath fanning me as his strong hold provided a cocoon of security. Tilting my chin up, my eyes immediately met his, "I am sorry." He solemnly apologized.

Nodding at his apology, I pulled back as he reluctantly let go instantly entwining our fingers together as he led me back into the warmth of the awaiting vehicle.

"Is there anywhere in particular you would like to visit?" He questioned as Jack listened attentively awaiting my answer, "There's a Christmas market nearby that you may like." He suggested.

"Just home is fine." I responded feeling suddenly drained as he nodded choosing to say no more.

As the vehicle cruised along the road the impact of my statement settled heavily with me. Home? When had I started thinking of Dillon's penthouse as home? But deep within me I knew that it was the closest thing I had felt to having a house since my summer visits to my grandmother's. From beside me, I heard him answer his cellphone as it must have silently rung as he got into a heated discussion regarding his famous empire. Tuning him out, I peered out the window in-taking London streets and the early Christmas shoppers, those stumbling half drunkenly out of pubs with not a care in the world as worry ate away at me as the gala date lingered close by.

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