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Dear friends, 

Firstly let me apologize for this not being a chapter update, however I am so so so beyond grateful more than you will ever know for the support The Billionaire Series have gathered over the past four years. I have never in my wildest dreams thought I would have had the courage to post a story or write an entire series. I write this now because if I wait until the end of the last book then it would really feel like a finale and I may cry. 

So, officially I am confirming this is the last book. Ethan, Lucas, Nico and Dillon however will be a part of me forever. 

Is this my only series?- For now, yes. Writing is an emotional rollercoaster and even though they are fictional, you form a bond with your characters. I think it would be really difficult for me to do this again especially with a group as different as these four are. 

What inspired you to write?- Honestly, I think once you love to read the day comes when decide you want to write something to feel the same way that you do when you read their stuff. 

When did you start writing?- This is such a funny story but my first book was actually The Billionaire's Match. I never intended to write three more. I fell in love with Lucas but when I wrote The Billionaire's Ultimatum it made sense that Ethan's story became book 1. It also explains why I have such an attachment to Lucas LOL! 

Who do you relate to the most?- My friends would surely tell you that Evelyn and I are the same person! 

Which was the most difficult book to write?- Definitely book 3, Nico's story. I wrote the first 10 chapters, then I lost it and had no backup. I stayed home a week from lectures I was so  heartbroken. I convinced myself that it was sign for me to never write again, I refused to start over and told myself Nico and Dillon would get whatever happily ever after readers what to imagine for them until my friend convinced to start over. Luckily The Billionaire's Arranged Wife came out better than I ever expected. It was the most emotional story I have ever written (yes I did cry writing certain chapters). It was also really difficult because it was written in a time where personally I was fallen apart. I don't know if the story became my outlet but I'm really glad I wrote it. 

Are you doing stories for their kids?- No, sorry I'm not. 

How old are you?- I get this question so often hahah (22). My birthday is March 20th. The Pisces in me may as well take the dreams and turn it into books. 

Favorite book here?- Hard to say but the most touching book would forever be 'Wingless and Beautiful.' I can't remember who wrote it but it was amazing and highly recommended. 

How do you handle negative comments?- Thankfully it's very few. I did come across someone I had to report because this person was just the worst! I don't condone bullying at all so it was necessary to do that. Some readers may not see my view as why the characters acted a certain way but to me it made sense and that was all that matters :) 

I do however have a love/hate relationship with the messages to update. As much as I love the anticipation it's really difficult because I am still in school and often I feel like I'm living different lives. I hate when I have to address this especially so I am really sorry if I do come across harsh :( 

Are you writing anything else?- Yes I am. I am done fighting the fact that this is what I love to do. I wrote The Desert Prince's Captured Bride during quarantine and since January I've been working on something really special. Unfortunately however I have a really bad case of writer's block and a ton of assignments but next year that will be my core focus. 

Why didn't Evelyn slap Lucas?- (love this one and which time LOL) hahahah umm, firstly I think her words do more damage than physical injury. Secondly I think when you love as deeply and someone says those things to you, no matter how hot headed you are that's the one moment you get calm though you are drenched in disappointment. Alot of their arguments could have been avoided if they were upfront about their emotions (but who really is). I think just like Evelyn, we all try to protect ourselves but in the end everything always works out. 

ps girls- He ALWAYS come back! Use the time to invest in yourself. 

What advice do you have for new writers?- Sit down, stare into space and it will come to you. Most times I use a pen and a paper and write down pointers for chapters or chapter ideas that I would use in the future. I always found that extremely helpful. I also write my synopsis/story description first so I have a general idea of the outcome. This is your book, your words, your fantasy. You are the only one who knows your characters so don't feel pressured and just write :).

Who is your favorite guy?- *GASP I can't answer this hahah. I feel like a mother having to choose amongst her kids. I will take Ethan's mannerisms, Lucas' intensity, Nico's thoughtfulness and Dillon's charisma and voila 'the perfect man'. 

That's all for now. Once again thank you to the moon and back to each of you. I see every comment, every vote, every message and I appreciate it so much. Many of you I feel like I know you and we're like best friends hahha. This community has been the greatest every and you all inspire me to write every single time I get a notif from you. 

The final chapters are coming soon. 

Merry Christmas season...

lots of love, 



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