Should You Stay or Should You Go

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This is after you meet your biological parent.

Aziraphale: You live with him

Crowley (stay): Even though you found out who you biological dad was, you still said you'd stay with Crowley in a heart beat. Crowley was shocked that you stayed with him, and David was happy that you were staying with the man who raised you.

"Well, (Y/n), you probably still have my number, I expect you to call me occasionally." David said to you.

"Don't worry, I do, and I'll call you every week if I'm not busy." You replied hugging him before he left.

After David Left

"Flower, why'd you stay?" Crowley asked you.

"I stayed Dad, because I love you and I'd miss you, Uncle Aziraphale, and Paige." You said, snuggling into your dad who was still on the couch.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Your dad asked and you nodded your head.

Now, all you had to do was call David every Wednesday and talk to him. One time, you even invited Paige to come over to talk to David and she had the time of her life.

Crowley (go): You looked over to Crowley then to David.
"I want to go with David." You said, "If that's okay with you, Dad."

"It's okay, Flower." Crowley said.

You smiled and hugged him.

"Go get your things." He whispered to you.

You nodded your head and got your phone, it's charger, a picture of you and Paige, a photo album of you, Crowley, and Uncle Aziraphale, some clothes, a blanket and pillow from your bed. Then, you went back to the living room and hugged Crowley again.

Right Before you Left

"Thanks again for taking care of (Y/n)." David said to Crowley.

"Eh, no problem." Crowley said back as he watched you walk through every room and hall.

Your (e/c) eyes shed a few tears that you wiped away quickly before anyone could notice.

It was about time for you and David to leave, but Crowley gave you one last hug and a gift.

"Here (Y/n), this is for you." Crowley said hanging you an orchid.

"I don't know what to say, thank you." You said trying really hard not to tear up.

Then, you got into David's car and drove off.

You call Paige and Crowley everyday, and call Aziraphale every Thursday. You miss your old life but you're happy to be with your real dad.

Gabriel (stay): You decided right then and there that you wanted to say with Gabriel. Emma respected your decision but she gave you her phone number and address so you could call or write her. When you went back to Heaven, your dad was shocked to see you again but you calmly explained that you wanted to stay with him.

Hastur (Stay): You stayed with Hastur but you went to Misha's house as much as possible to spend time with your family.

Hastur: "Don't be surprised if she goes somewhere without telling you. She'll tell you when she gets there." Hastur said.

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