Their Reaction to you having a Mental Illness

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I debated on writing this but then I realized I had to write it. I'm definitely dedicating this to those five brain cells that kept me up till 4am last night (3/28/2020) and to the readers who have any mental disorder. The person I saw this from was Clanislife.

I personally have autism, anxiety, depression, and ADD.

I will include autism, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, and tourettes syndrome. The whole reason why I'm not writing DID is because I have nothing against it, I just don't know how to write it and for those of you who have it, I don't want to offend you or anyone. Some of these will be used more than once.

Another note some ages will be different than others.

Aziraphale: (Autism) Age 10
When Aziraphale first met you, you had the hardest time looking him in the eyes. You also had a hard time talking to other people so no wonder it took you forever to warm up to Crowley. There were some days where you could barely even string sentences together. You'd just say short and choppy sentences to address something.

It took your dad around six years and four months to realize that you had autism and he didn't even figure it out. A random woman did.

It was a Saturday afternoon, when a tall lady bought a book from the shop and she tried talking to you. But you'd do you normal nod your head for yes and shake it for no.

When she went to check out she said. "Excuse me, Mr. Fell, I'm Dr. Wright and I work at a center where we diagnose mental health disorders. Did you ever think that your daughter may have autism?"

"No, it's never crossed my mind really." He replied.

"Well, you can always set up an appointment with me to see if she has it or not. I'll give you my card so we can talk later." Dr. Wright said, handing Aziraphale her business card.

She walked to the door, waved at you, and when you didn't wave back, she left.

Aziraphale read the card, then looked at you. You were reading Grims Fairytales which was one of your special interests. You did fit into the spectrum, especially around people you didn't know. He sighed, he knew this day would come, so later that night he called the center and booked you for an appointment.

Four Months Later

Your dad told you that you were going to take a very important test a week before the whole ordeal. You didn't exactly freak out but you did ask if you could go over to Crowley's the rest of the week. Aziraphale didn't want to stress you out.

Crowley: (Autism) Age 5
When you were younger, your dad never understood why a kid at school could tell you a scary story and you'd have no reaction, but as soon as something was out of order you'd have a fit.

For example you used to line the smaller plants up and as soon as Crowley moved something you'd cry and scream.

Crowley had to talk to someone about it. Not just anyone would do though. He wanted someone to talk to you that you already knew. And that somebody was Aziraphale.

Gabriel: (Tourettes Syndrome) Age 12
As soon as you started twitching Gabriel started doing his research. After his days of research he found out that you may have tourettes syndrome.

Gabriel had to do something to know for sure, so he talked to one of his colleagues who specializes in human behavior including mental disorders. He explained everything that was happening to you to his colleague and his colleague said that you had tourettes syndrome.

Beelzebub: (Tourettes Syndrome) Age 6
You've ticked and twitched ever since you were little. Sometimes you'd make noises on impulse and it never clicked for your mother that you had tourettes syndrome until you were six.

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