Twenty one

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[ :) ya I'm going to continúe]

This really can't be happening?

Namjoon crooked his head to the side holding a glass shot with distilled liquor moving his hand slightly To the side making the liquid swirl.

His eyes looked insane , bloody red and some swore they glowed in the dark.

Placing the shot against his lips he gulped down the substance before slamming the small cup down.

"another one."

He ordered making the barista nervous " sir, I think it's enough of today I have to close right now I'm sorry.." the barista said but soon flinched receiving a harsh glare from the blonde.

" I don't-."

" namjoon.." namjoon was cut off by another voice it was hoarse and almost above a whisper still hearing it. " im sorry I'll take him home.."

the other male grabbed namjoon dragging him out before leaving some cash on the table.

" Seokjin ? What do you want? Don't you know I was busy with this-."

"Just shut up namjoon shut up!" Seokjin yelled glaring at the male who he dragged out the bar.

"your actions are ruthless your scaring everyone ok! Just calm down and stop acting like a damn fucking child for once in your damned life!!" He yelled surprising the blonde.

He had never seen or heard the older this mad but namjoon could hear the small sadness in his voice. "you don't know nothing! Like if you ever knew him that well!" The male pushed him the older away making the other step back some times before he revived a slap from the other.

" yes I did! I'm thinking more than you! He was like my little brother I knew how he felt his every expression , even though I just met him about months ago!"

" like if you care! The only thing you've been doing these days are drag me out of bars and then slap my face"

Namjoon yelled leaning forward swinging his arm to the side. With that Seokjin showed his back before walking the other direction away from the blonde. "Jin! Come here jin!" Namjoon yelled watching the male stomp away.

'If I fall Namjoon..'

He felt his blood from his face as those four words repeated in his mind. He stood there alone in the dark before he turned and walked to the bench that was next to a tree and a trashcan that was empty.

He sat down resting his chin on his hands taking a huge deep breath.

' would you be there to pick me up?'

" I didn't.." he whispered " I couldn't..."

" I'm sorry.."

" I'm guilty for everything... it's my fault that's your dead!! That your...gone.."

" why weren't you there hyung! I got hit they hit me!"


Small namjoon sat down on the grass next to your body which was curled in a ball your gym uniform on and bruises all over your body.

" tell me what happened [].." he asked putting his hand on your back feeling you flinch at his touch.

" I'm sorry hyung... I thought I could with them.."

You whisper lifting your head looking at namjoon and what he saw was you bruised face and bloody lip thunder was heard as rain pored on both boys. " they killed Michu.." he snobed looking at the blonde.

" you knew that cat was going to die y/n don't cry just for that!" Namjoon yelled holding the umbrella over your small body now standing up rain pored only on him. " your crying too!!" You yelled back curling back in a ball.

" no I'm not!" Namjoon yelled " I know your crying!" You yell back crying even harder.

" it's the cycle of life everything will soon eventually die! it's normal ok!" The blonde yelled as he tried to grab you

" no! Everyone here has a heart when the doggy died everyone cried except you! Your heartless!" You yelled back more tears flowed down your face hearing the Loud thunder cry again: " heartless?.." he asked softer .

Namjoon felt a small cold sensation when he was called heartless, " Ugh! Stop being a weak crybaby and get up come on let's go to school!" He said annoyed.

" I know your crying namjoon! Admit it!"

" how do I dont have any tears!"

" yes you are because I'm crying for you!"

" you are crying!" You yell back now standing up. " I cried when I got hit hyung they hit me just to kill Michu !"


You sat on the couch a blanket around you body and namjoon was sitting next to you his hands around a warm mug of tea. The loud thunder and rain could still be heard:

" hyung..." you asked " is it true of what you said earlier about the cycle of life?" You asked looking at the blonde next to you. " yes it is.."

" everyone dies to the smallest or biggest or the weakest to the strongest we all have the same destiny.." namjoon said

" that means I'm going to die?"

You asked looking down at your hand namjoon looked back at you nervously seeing small tears falling down your face. " if I die will I ever see you hyung?"

" if I fall namjoon? Would you pick me up?" Rubbing your eyes namjoon sipped some of his tea " we are best friends right?" You asked once more " right?"

" will you protect me and I will too.. promise me?"
You smile tears still ran down you face. " I promise I won't be a crybaby all my life hyung and if I die.."

You stoped crying and namjoon looked at you " how would you feel? Wouldn't you be lonely and sad?..."

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