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*6 years ago*


I head into the laundry room and crash into Hannah. She lets out a yelp and I roll my eyes.

"Jesus Gray, knock next time." She says as she holds her hand on her chest, laughing.

I nod and walk beside her, completely ignoring her. I put my clothes in the washer and she interrupts me again.

"I need to talk with you Gray. Not now, but like later."

"Sure, what time?"

"Nighttime? Downstairs?"

I nod and she claps her hands. She waves goodbye and leaves, closing the door. She creeps me out.

I finish putting everything in the laundry, and head out. Then I crash into Rose. I look down at her and smile as she looks up at me.

"Hi gray."

"Hi rose."

"How's your day?"

"Pretty good. Yours?"

"Good, although I just found out I was drinking last night."

I laugh as the memories from last night came back to me.

"Yeah you were something else."

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"I just hope I wasn't too big of an embarrassment for you."

"No you weren't. I found it cute honestly." I say wrapping my arms around her as she lays her head on my chest.

We stand there for awhile, until Andrea passes us by the hallway.

"Y'all do realize you take up most space in this mini hallway right?" She says scoffing.

"Shut up." I tell her and she points her middle finger at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Gray, I'm finally going to talk to Hannah about you know, our little problems."

"Little?" I say as we walk down the hallway ending up at the kitchen.

"Ok, not little but you know what I mean. Either way, she kind of creeped me out."

"Why?" I ask with a frown.

"She told me to meet up at nighttime."

My eyes widen and I stand there confused.

"Wait, did you say nighttime?"

She nods, "Yeah I know weird."

"No no, she also told me she wanted to talk with me at nighttime."

"What? Why would she want to talk to you?" She asks resting one hand on her hip.

I shrug, "I have no clue. This isn't good though." I say.

"Bring something to defend yourself. Just in case it's a trap." I tell her. She nods and we go separate ways, she heads to her room while I leave the house to the training center.


What Grayson told me had me nervous for the rest of the day. I was scared Hannah was planning something bad.

"Hey you alright?"

I turn around and see Ethan behind me. He had a white crew neck and black sweatpants.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine."

He frowns and put his hand on my chin, and lifts my face up. He scans my face and frowns.

"No you're not."

"Don't worry about it."

"Why not? Your my brothers girlfriend, I have the right to be worried about you."

I cringe and look down, and he realizes.

"He, wait, you guys?"

I shake my head and look down, and start swaying on my feet.

"I'm sorry I thought-"

"No your fine, it's okay."

"Hey, even if you guys aren't officially dating, just know i'm still here for you."

"Thanks Ethan, quick question though."

He looks at me with a frown and I smile, "What made you change? I mean when you guys first got Kate and I you were rough on us."

"After the war. I realized we could die at any moment, and I should appreciate everyone around me."

I smile at him and he spreads his arms. I wrap my arms around his waist and give him a tight hug. I leave his side and up the stairs. I wish I could talk to Kate but she's at her doctors appointment for her baby.



"We will be able to notice the gender in a few weeks." The doctor said as I pulled my leggings up.

"Alright thank you so much doc." Dylan says as he helps me down.

Right now their was a small bump, it was hard to notice. We head out the room and say goodbye to the nurses in front.

We head out the door and he opens the car door for me, and I smile at him.


I let out a scream and get down, hiding my face. When I hear no more shots, I look up and let out a painful scream as I see Dylan laying on his back, blood leaving his body.

"DYLAN DYLAN." I scream as I crawl towards him, grabbing his arm.

"Take, care of baby."

"NO DONT SAY THAT YOURE ALSO TAKING CARE OF IT." I say as tears stream down my face.

"I love you."

Suddenly his head falls back and I sob. I try to stop the bleeding but realize its impossible. I run back to the hospital, blood all over me and head to the front desk. The nurses immediately stand up and ask me what happened and I tell them. They grab people from the emergency room and go outside to Dylans body.

Another nurse stands next to me and makes me take a seat.

"Why don't you go wash your hands?"

I shake my head and stand up, "I'm going home. Something is going on. Something bad."

The hospital wasn't far from home so I ran. When I arrived Kely was there and gasped in horror as she saw me.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

I ignored her and walked into the house. I let out a yell so everyone could come. They all listened and when they saw me, they took a step away from me.

"Whats going on?" Luis says as he walks towards me.

"Dylan is dead."

chile sorry kate

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