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I pick her up and run to the house, blood continuing to pour out of her mouth. My arms were getting stained, but I didn't care. Something was wrong.

As I enter the house, I look at her legs. All of her veins were starting to show up. All of them. They almost seemed to be, glowing.


I lay Rose on the couch, panicking, as Kate came down. She gasped and covered her mouth, as she saw Rose.

Everyone came down soon and Luis carried her. "We need to take her to the hospital right now."

Half of us run to the car, the rest stay at the house. I carry Rose on my lap as Luis starts the car, and immediately drive away.


We arrive at the hospital and I immediately get out. I run to the emergency room and the nurses help me.

They take Rose but leave me there. I try to push them away, but it's impossible. I stand there, watching as they take Rose away from me.


I walk around the forest, the flowers brushing against my legs. As I walk, I feel something like my foot. I frown and look down, and suddenly, my feet start to get poked more.

I start to panic and suddenly the forest turns dark, the flowers turn into vines, and the birds whistles turn into wolves howling.

I turn around and see the forest start to disappear. I run, trying to not disappear too. But my feet get stuck. I let out a scream as I fall into a sudden hole.

I reach the ground and groan as I look around. I'm at the same place. Again. I stand up, and this time, don't move. An animal comes towards me and I bend down.

The animal sniffs at me and suddenly, hisses, and grows. The bunny was now a monster. I scream and run, trying to get away.

A hole. I fall again. This time, i'm in a box. A small box. Suddenly, smoke starts to fill up inside. I start coughing. Loudly and horribly.

Blood starts spewing out of my mouth uncontrollably. This is it, I think. I'm going to die.

I take in a deep breath and open my eyes. I look around and see doctors all around me. I frown, and suddenly all the memories come back to me. The ocean. The crawling sensation. Grayson.

"WHERES GRAYSON?!" I say panicking. I look around and rip the wires off my hands, and attempt to leave, but a doctor stops me.

I push him, and he lands hard on the ground. It went quiet and I gasped. I slowly walk to him and extend him my shaky hand. He looks at me with scared eyes but accepts it. I easily lift him up, and once I do, I stare at my hands.

I've never been this strong before.

"We need to talk." The doctor says.

"Not until I see Grayson."

The doctor looks at me and sighs, leaving the room. I lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. What the hell is going on? Why am I suddenly so strong?

The door opens, harshly, and I sit up. I see Grayson and extend my hands towards him as he runs to me.

"Hey how are you? How is she?" Grayson says, worry in his voice.

"She got contaminated."

I frown, looking at the doctor, "What are you talking about?"

"I guess you guys haven't heard the news. The radiation went into the ocean, spreading all over the world. It reached the shores last night. This radiation is either giving people who step into the ocean a good advantage or bad advantage, or, like most, don't affect them. It only affects one in 1 million. Fortunately it affected you in a good way."

"Good how?"

"Well, for now we've seen you have extra strength. Who knows, you might be hiding other things." The doctor says, shrugging.

I stare at my hands, a panic inside of me. What is this? I feel like i'm living a movie.

"I'll give you two some time." He says and leaves.

"So, how do you feel about that?" Grayson says touching my knee.

"I-i don't know. I feel like i'm living in a movie."

Grayson lets out a light laugh, "Don't worry, we'll get through this together."

I smile at him and and he gives me his hand. He stands up and I take it. When I stand up, I see stars and put my hand on my forehead.

"Take it easy." He says, and I nod. I take a deep breath, and start walking. Slowly.

We reach the door and he opens it. I hang on to the pole next to me as we walk, careful not to fall.

I was so focused on walking, I didn't realize Grayson was walking behind me. I feel his touch, and I let out a scream. I let go of the pole and suddenly a bright light of electricity leaves my hand. Everyone stops what they're doing, and I stand there frozen.


I turn around to Grayson, as he stands there in shock.


I walk back and forth in the house, my hands together. Grayson said he would call to tell how she was doing. It's been 12 hours.

Everyone else was here except for Luis and Amira. Andrea was next to me, watching my steps.

"She's going to be fine."

"You don't know that."

Andrea rolls her eyes and leaves. Suddenly, a loud knock fills the room. I run towards it and open the door. My eyes go wide as I see a man on the ground, with a hospital gown on.

"Um? Hi?"

I try to bend down to take a look at him, and he stands up. I let out a scream as I see no other than, my, well, I thought was dead boyfriend.

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hi i'm ending this book on chapter 40. A sequel is coming, the new book is called One more kiss.


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