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I recommend listening to the song while reading:)


"Aye, bro where were you?!"

I look up and see Grayson, sitting on the couch.

"Uh, nothing, just walking around."

He nodded and stood up. We stood there facing each other.



My eyes go wide and I stand there, with my mouth open. Again?

"Congrats bro." I say as we pat each other's back. I was happy for him. Trust me, I was.

I was just shocked. They met what, 4 months ago? Time goes by too fast.

"Thanks man, i'm so happy."

"She's changing you. I remember back then you hated kids. Said you never wanted any."

He looks at me, and smiles, looking down.

"Yeah, we're leaving that Grayson in the past."

I laugh, and congratulate him once again. I head up to my room, and sit down on my bed, head on my hands.

I take things too seriously. I freak out over the easiest things.

I look out my small window. You could see from here, Ash's old house. Thats how close we are.

I sigh, and walk out my room. I don't have much to do in this house.

I arrive at the kitchen and see Kate, Rose, and Kely talking. My heart starts to beat faster, as they all stare at me.

"Hey Ethan, come talk with us." Rose says, as she pats the chair next to her. I swallow saliva, and sit down, nervously.

"We were just talking about our past crushes. And crushes now. Well, our celebrity crushes, since 2 of us are taken."

I nod my head slowly, and put my arms on the island.

"I had a few crushes back in my two years of high school. And middle school of course."

"Did you ever date any of them?"

"Out of 5, two."

"You had five crushes?!" Rose says with a giggle. I feel my face get red and look down.

"Yeah, three from middle school. Two in high school. I ended up dating both from high school."

"Yeah, I remember him coming home with the biggest smile on his face. He also would never stop talking about them." Kely says. I glare at her and she laughs.

"What about you Rose? Any celebrity crushes now?" I ask her.

She looks at the ceiling, and shakes her head.

"Not really. I don't watch much shows, movies, you know that kind of stuff anymore."

"So, is it true i'm gonna be an uncle?"


"Congrats. Happy for you. Just, know i'm always here, for if you need anything."

She stands up to hug me, and I hug her back, as her light brown, kind of blonde hair gets on my face.

"Although I am nervous about one thing though." Rose says.

I frown, the butterflies in my stomach finally starting to disappear.

"Grayson mentioned my advantages. Do you think it'll affect my baby?"

I didn't even think about that. It worries me something could happen to the baby because of that.

"Who knows, but let's just hope it doesn't affect it in a negative way." I tell her. She smiles at me and nods.

We continue to talk, and I become more comfortable.


I lock the door, and once i'm sure it's locked, start yelling jumping around.

I'm gonna be a dad. A dad of two. I've never been this happy.

I guess Ethan was right. Rose is changing for the better.

"Woah, Gray?"

I jump, and look at the door.

"Who is it?"

"Um, me, Rose?"

I wince and run to the door, immediately opening it. I see a Rose with crossed arms.

"Are you good?"

"Yeah, i'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure? I hear scre-"

I grab her arm and pull her into the room. Once I check the hallway, I close the door and lock it.


"I'm just, I still have no reaction."

"For what?"

"What do you mean for what? Our baby!"

She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Grayson, you said you were happy. Unless your lying."

"No i'm not. I'm just a really surprised. How did it even happen?"

She tensed up and looked at the bed. She walked towards it and sat down. She took a deep breath and looked at me.

"I knew I wasn't on the pill."

"Wait, you're telling me, you did this on purpose?"

"Not exactly. You see, we were already into it, and I felt like if I told you, you would stop. I didn't want you to stop, so I let it go."

I looked at her, and I felt anger building up inside me. I stopped it though.

"Look, i'm glad we're having a kid, but, it would've been better if you said something. You being pregnant brings in a lot more problems."


"We have to keep you safe. Because now, not only are you in danger, but so is the baby. I appreciate having a baby, but, now is not a good time."

She looks at me, and scoffs, standing up.

"Who understands you? First you're all jumpy, happy, and excited. The next, you're bummed out about it. God, Grayson make it make sense!" She says and storms out of the room. I stand there, confused.

I open the door and yell, "Rose! Come back!"

I hear her steps, but they stop.

"I'll come back when you fix your emotions."

"You're the one who suddenly went from confused, to happy, to mad!"

"Oh so now you're blaming my reactions?! I'm sorry, but they way you're acting, you should've expected that from me." She says and leaves again.

I sigh, and get in the room again. I mean against the door and slide down, head in my hands.

I still love her, but, if she's gonna be this moody, because of her pregnancy,

I don't think I can survive.

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love u all sm

pls stay safe wit the coronavirus going on<3

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