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*6 years later, actual present*


"Do you want to go into detail about what happened with your wife that night?"

I shake my head, and the interrogator nods, "Alright, that'll be all for today. We'll get you out tomorrow again."

I nod and we stand up. He takes me to a cell and locks me up. I sigh and sit down on the hard bed.

I miss her. I need to see how she's doing. Good thing is that it's been confirmed that Katherine is taking care of all the children, including my 3 year old son.

What the fuck was Rose thinking by turning herself in. Most of all, mentioning all of us. If she was tired of this, she could've said something, not just go to the police.

Not only that but theirs rumors that the world is ending. Well, as if it wasn't already.

Apparently theirs an asteroid headed to the earth. Some say the moon will get in the way and instead crash there, but no one knows for sure.

I hear a bang and look up.


They open the cell and drag me out. We walk down the hallway, with my head down.


I look up and smile as I see Katherine. Their was my 3 year old son. Curious to know how they let him in.

"Hey Mason. How you doing?" I say as I crouch down to his eye level.

He lets out a giggle, "Papa."

I feel myself tearing up, but I shake my head. "Yea, it's me, your papa."

"Why, are you here?"

"Just a few little problems. Nothing to worry about."

He smiles and puts his little hand on my cheek. I lean towards it and smile at him.

"How's Ash?" Katherine asks. I lift Mason to my arms and look at her.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her since we got arrested. I'm worried about her."

Katherine nods, "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Do you have any more information on the others?"

"Rose is the main one being interrogated, and we're all basically telling our stories, from when we first got you guys."

She nods looking around. "I got the best lawyers in all of Europe. They live around 15 minutes away, by London."

I nod and hug her, "Thank you so much, I really hope we can get out soon."

"Hey, buddy I gotta go."

Masons smile turns into a frown, "Dont worry, you'll be with aunt Katey."

He smiles again and extends his arms towards her. She bends down and picks him up. She waves me goodbye and starts leaving. I manage to hear Mason ask her a question.

"Aunt Katey, when am I seeing mommy?"

"Mommy Ashita? Soon baby soon."

if you haven't understood these, basically, this whole story is being told by them 6 years later. it's basically 2027 right now, and right now it's in the actual present tense.

this will be further explained in the second book<3

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