Chapter 53

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Months have passed. 

Spring is around the corner now, it's still cold here in LA though. Plants are starting to bloom and the grass is looking greener, but the air remains frigid. Sam, Colby, and their friends have since gone through many court trials throughout the course of the winter months, and have finally cleared up all the legal issues behind their arrest. Colby decided to go back against his word about his hiatus to record a video with everyone explaining the means of the arrest, and how it happened and what that means for the future of most of their channels. At the end of the video Colby made it clear that the hiatus is still in effect under the same terms. 

I've been working at the hospital, I mostly work overnight shifts (I do get the occasional 9-5 though), so I come in at like 7pm and leave at 9am the next morning. I sleep for a few hours then I have the day to do stuff. The best part? I only work a few days a week, so I have more time to spend with my friends than I did when I was in retail. Bentley also has company most of the time, and when I've got an overnight shift, Colby kindly goes to check on Bentley and make sure he has company, but he does pretty well on his own.

Bentley does, not Colby.

I'm currently on my break for my day shift. I get off at 7 tonight, so I'm getting some dinner in my system before hurrying back to making my runs. I was texting Colby about the day I'd had so far. Turns out, as you work in a hospital, you end up with interesting stories to tell. I was telling him about how one man came in after somehow swallowing a pill bottle cap. 

Don't ask, I have no idea.

The worst part? That's not the weirdest thing I've seen. 

I don't treat patients, I am mostly there to help with everyday tasks and give emotional support to them. I'm basically an emotional support animal that talks back. But it's not so bad, I work in the children's hospital and most of them are really sweet. The parents are the ones you gotta look out for. Good lord parents get mean under stress.

Then again when I think of my dad and how he was when my sister was in the hospital, I kind of get it.

Oh yeah, Sky is doing great. She's been out of the casts for a while now and is living life as if the accident never happened. It's a relief to say the least. I went back once to go check in on her and dad, I went by myself--Colby stayed back to worry about his legal issues.

We did end up going to Hawaii with our friends, the tickets were booked and the hotels were reserved, but none of the legal issues coincided with our trip, so we got to take a break from life and enjoy ourselves. I spent a lot of time with the girls while the guys raced around the beach like buffoons but it was nice nonetheless. I definitely enjoyed our trip to Hawaii and it made me happy to see Colby enjoying himself, he had been taking the arrest kind of hard at the time. The trip got him to loosen up a bit and just have fun. We hiked, we visited a lot of beaches, drank alcohol--including us under age people--and got to eat a lot of food. I was in a food coma for like a week after we came home. 

I can't afford to go overseas right now, but if we do I want to go to either Bali or New Zealand. Seriously, it's beautiful there, I'd sell my apartment if I had to. As long as I can keep Bentley then I'd do it.

And if I get to keep my instruments.

These past months I've had a lot of time to reconnected with my music side, and even started composing songs, and singing. I was just enjoying myself being able to play without impressing anyone or making anyone else happy. Kat and Sky had both really talked me into rekindling that desire to keep playing music, and I think I found my love for it again. It wasn't east though, there were a lot of frustrated nights, a lot of tears shed, and moments when I was ready to throw everything away.

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