04: The Consequences of Trying

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One evening, Royce thought fuck it, dressed up in pretty clothes and left his house.

He felt so lonely and in desperate need to let loose, to get fucking high and forget the pain which was eating him alive, just for once. He wondered what it would be like to not feel the constant ache in his chest, to not constantly feel the need to give up. Royce wanted to get a taste of everything he'd never had. Alcohol, weed, sex and whatever people fucking do in clubs.

Anything to get his mind to shut down.

He went to an underground gay club that'd let him in with a little money. After all, Royce was still a seventeen-year-old boy (nearly eighteen in two months) – who happened to see a poster about gay clubs. It had all the information he needed so he snatched the paper and stuffed it inside his avengers' backpack and ended up going there.

He stood outside the club, trying to shake his nerves off and joined in on the buzzing crowd, with people who were just like him.

No one was going to judge him here.

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