15: The Consequences of Worrying

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By the end of the day, Royce was truly very annoyed. Everyone kept talking about that fight which apparently broke out between two boys for whatever reason and one of them got suspended for three days while the other boy received detention for a week or something, Royce couldn't care less.

He had to say though, thanks to that fight, no one paid him any ridiculous attention for once. It was as if Royce turned invisible and he realised, walking in the halls never felt this breathable and free. He made sure to enjoy every second of this moment.

Royce zipped his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, ready to leave. Somewhere in the back of his head, it still bugged him that he couldn't say thank you to Nathan. Sometimes such simple words are the hardest to convey.

He usually takes the bus on his way home and right now if he hurried to the bus station, he might be able to catch his ride, or else he would have to wait for another twenty minutes.

Someone tapped on his shoulder.

Royce turned around and in front of him stood a short boy with a buzz cut. He asked with a scowl. "Are you Royce?"

He blinked. "Um yeah."

"Your friend is sitting under the emergency stairs. He's asking for you."

"My friend?" Royce muttered the word friend as if it was a curse, leaving a bittersweet taste in his mouth. Last time he checked, he doesn't have any friends.

"Yeah. He kept mumbling your name so I thought I'd let you know." The boy smacked his arm in a friendly manner and begin to walk away. "I gotta leave. See ya."

Royce wondered, who exactly was this friend? Or could it be another prank? What if some bullies were waiting for him, hoping to catch him alone? What if that boy lied? He felt so torn up because being paranoid was almost his second-nature. He shouldn't go, it was clear.

Yet he forced his feet to move, hands clammy and heart-racing anxiously.

What he did find was far worse.

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