30: The Consequences of Panicking

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For the first time in a while, Royce felt a sense of dread, afraid those bullies will catch up to him, only to beat him mercilessly. It was a feeling that gripped his neck, making it hard for him to breathe and he could tell he was panicking.

He didn't hesitate to run towards Nathan, couldn't really stop himself when he fixed his gaze on him. Royce circled behind his back almost as if he was hiding. He would think later about being embarrassed over this.

Nathan stood up to his full height, a stoic expression on his face. When he saw the group of bullies stop at a distance and the look of fear on Royce, he figured what was going on.

"Scram." He exclaimed in a bored tone, arms crossed and not fazed by the number of people against him. Perhaps his intimidating aura was too strong, perhaps they were especially scared of Nathan but whatever was the reason, they reluctantly moved back with a defeated look.

That was easy.

Royce felt so weak, his legs gave in and Nathan was by his side the next second. "You okay?"

He wanted to respond but the words were stuck inside his throat. With a crazed look on his face, Royce frantically opened his backpack and turned it upside down, all the contents spilling out. His trembling hands fumbled through his stuff and he yelled in terror. "I-It's not here!" He wheezed, gripping his chest. "My inhaler! It's not here. I lost it!"

Nathan stayed quiet, shifting from one step to another and pulled out something from his own backpack. "It's yours."

Royce snatched it from his hands, pushing the mouthpiece into his mouth and taking a long drag of air. He repeated the process until he was finally able to breathe on his own. Nathan rubbed his arms in an attempt to calm him and only then did Royce realised how close he was sitting. He gripped his pump. "How did you have my inhaler? It's not the one I usually carry around."

Nathan sighed loudly, sitting beside him cross-legged. "I might've asked Wren . . . some time ago to give me one of your extra set. In case, you know, for emergencies or backup."

He was struggling with his words and Royce rubbed his temple in distress. Why would he go to such lengths? He was having mixed feelings.

Before Royce could voice his thoughts, Nathan spoke again. "Were they giving you a hard time?"

"A little." He lowered his head, lacing his fingers so they wouldn't give away the usual shakiness. "It doesn't make sense."

"What?" Nathan leaned forward causing his loose curls to dip into his eyes as he propped his elbow on his knee and rested his chin on his folded fist.

"That day you fought because of me, right? They told me." Royce's tone was distress. "Your actions really don't make sense."

Nathan flinched, his eyes squinting ever so slowly as he scowled. "They were calling you weird things in front of me. It pissed me off and I punched him. He got what he deserved."

Royce stared at him for a long moment, feeling so many emotions at once that he could only lash out. That's what he do best. "Since when do you care?"

Nathan wasn't surprised by his blunt question. He offered a pained smiled and got up but he seemed to be debating over something and finally gave in with an exasperated breath, exclaiming. "Ray, I never stopped caring."

Royce was left speechless once again.


If only Royce would stop being an angry babie and Nathan would open up so they could talk things out istg there wouldn't be such a mess between them. Also can we talk about how Nathan had an extra inhaler just for Royce? My boy really out here using his brain!

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