Chapter One: With Just One Look (edited)

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I'm just gonna try this out. If you guys like it please leave a comment or vote. I don't know much about the boys so I apologize if some information is wrong. It's a fiction anyway, so I guess that's fine. I'm apologizing in advance if ever there are wrong spellings or grammars along the story. I'm an amateur writer and I usually write stories in my language so it's quite hard writing in English.

I hope you enjoy this first chapter of my story.

P.S. Brianna Morgan will be portrayed by: Kaya Scodelario and Arianna Morgan by: Emma Watson

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Have it ever crossed your mind to think what it would feel like being in between living and actually dying? I imagine it being calm and serene. Not having to think of other people's impression on you. Not having to go through the same shit every single day.

It was shocking even today that that was how my mind worked at merely five years old. What a fucked up kid I was. Fairytales never really existed in my vocabulary; reality has always been my choice of word. I remember watching Disney movies with my twin sister Arianna and I'd gag whenever they started sharing what they called the true loves kiss. That was demented, or so I thought. Love never lasts, or that's what my parents showed me whenever I hear them fight almost every single night. I was a damsel in distress without a knight in shining armor and I guess I didn't really need one.

My parents finally separated when I was thirteen and that was the start of my darken age. The bar had been my second home and drugs became my only friend. I would constantly go home wasted or not at all, but whenever I did mom would start yelling at me. Useless, that was what she always said. I was a useless piece of shit.

I was distracted by Arianna waving her hand in front of me. "Brianna you're not listening." She said with a frown.

She had her makeup on perfectly. Her eyes were glistening through the sun light making her cheeks a little red due to the heat. She was beautiful and it hurts me whenever mom compared me to her. Arianna never went out to parties, most of the time she'd spend the entire time studying in her room. She knows how to play the violin and did recitals once in a while. She was in the school theater and she was really good at it. Basically she was the loved one.

She was pink while I was black, quite literally. She loved wearing all shades of pink and I stick to the shades of black, sometimes add on a shade of red for seductiveness.

I blinked my eyes at her. "What were you saying?"

She shook her head with a smile. "I was asking what your plan is for tonight."

"Nothing, stay at home and probably watch some sappy movie on TV."

"Come with me then, to the premiere night. Please." She was begging with her dolly eyes and she knew I couldn't resist her. How could I, I love her so much and this premiere night is so special to her.

"Fine," I sighed and she suddenly hugged me.

"Thank you," she said kissing me on the cheek and I just gave her a small smile.

When I was sixteen I thought suicide was the only solution, because bars and drugs were starting to have no effect on me. One day I locked myself inside of my room and slit my wrist waiting for death to consume me. I remembered being in a white room and a voice asking me if that was what I really wanted. At that moment it sure was what I wanted but he told me that I wasn't ready. And I have to thank him for giving me another chance to change my ways.

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